The French Mistake: Final Part

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In order to have some space and privacy to talk, you three headed back to Dean's trailer with the fish tank and the helicopter. It's not Sam's mansion, but it'll do for now. You walk inside and take a seat on the couch with a sigh. You place your hands on your stomach to let your kid know everything is okay out here.

"Maybe you did it wrong."

"No. No, that spell was perfect. It should have worked," Dean states.

"What if it can't? Look, I was up all night looking online. There's no sign that anything like the apocalypse happened here. Ever. And as far as I can tell, monsters, ghosts, and demons are all pretend."

"So nobody's hunting them?" Dean asks.

"There are no hunters, Dean," you sigh. "It's why I have no magic. Magic doesn't exist here so monsters can't. The spell didn't work because magic is only fiction, which means unless someone from our world pulls us back, we can't get home."

"No demons, no hell, no heaven, and no God?" Dean asks.

"Something like that. Even better, no angels."

"Okay, I need to go on a walk. We can't stay stuck here forever," you sigh and get up.

The brothers follow you out, and you go explore part of the set you've never been to before. This place is filled with green screens and people fake fighting each other. You've seen this before and know that it's called stage fighting. It's a nice change of pace considering everyone else wants you to act.

"Okay, maybe we can't get out of, you know, Earth number two right now, but the least we can do is get the hell out of the Canadian part of it," Dean suggests.

"Yeah, that's true. Get back to America," you say.

"If I hear one more conversation about hockey, I'm gonna puke."

You arrive at an impasse, and you look down a long corridor that has stairs. It looks very familiar, and when you walk a few steps toward it, you immediately know what this is. It's the place that you and the brothers went to save the virgins from the Dragons. They really have a set for everything here.

"Come on, I think it's this way," you say and take the lead with this one.

You look down to watch where you're walking when you hear Sam yell your name and to tell you to look out. You look up to see Virgil standing right in front of you. Without your magic, you're useless against a fight against an Angel. Question is, how did he get here? And when is he going to go back?"

"You think you can run?" he says.

He lays a hand on your forehead, and Sam and Dean yell out for him to stop, but nothing happens. No white light, no death–nothing. There is no magic in this world, which means his angelic powers won't work.

"Sorry, man, you're in a mojo-free zone," you chuckle.

You back up and get out of the way, and Sam and Dean take your spot. Dean results in his fighting skills and punches Virgil, Sam quickly joining the fight.

"No magic in the house, which makes you nothing but a dick," Dean growls.

All three men begin to fight, and you back out of the way. You're not watching where you're going right now and trip on something. You're quick to catch yourself, but you don't notice the key falling out of your pocket and onto the ground.

"Sam! Dean!"

Sam has Virgil locked in his arms while Dean is punching him, and the outbreak has people gathering to watch. Three men head straight over to pull them apart, and one of them grabs you to leave you away.

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