Chapter 36

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Normally one would wake to the peaceful sounds of birds chirping in the open while the warm sun helps to stir them awake. Bell could only hope for such an awakening, however, this was far from it. It would be one thing to wake up with a sore body, he was no stranger to getting beat down by monsters. However, the abnormal pain in his head was a different story. His nightmares had thankfully subsided for the night but that was a small reprieve more than anything.

'Ughh fuck!'

Without warning a sharp piercing pain jolted in his head. Having no idea why it was happening or how to deal with it he tried his best to ignore it...

"Ugh so much for that plan..."

He spoke in a quiet voice as he wasn't the only one in his tent. He remembered the night before, Artemis had come to check on him, no doubt she could hear his painful cries. At the time he wasn't in a state to argue with her and was far too tired. She maintained her distance from him while they slept. No doubt she didn't want a similar situation to the one that started the trip.

'Just don't look at her...'

While his head was ripping itself apart he still tried to keep his rationality.

'Ughh, I need a drink.'

He kept his eyes away from the sleeping girl and moved to exit the tent, he didn't want to wake her it was still early. He exited the tent to a distant sunrise, the cold air did wonders for his overheating body. He walked over to the river and knelt down. Cupping his hands into the water he brought it towards him, splashing his face. The cold water felt like ice and he felt his sleepiness disappear.

"Ughh arghh!"

The pain suddenly struck with a vengeance and he almost fell into the water, he managed to steady himself but a new issue followed. He managed to get to his feet but he felt very weak in his legs. He slowly dragged himself back to camp, with a deep breath he found himself already worn out, he took a seat on the log and waited.

'I can't spend another day in bed... She supposed to be having fun not looking after me!'

He was angry that things turned out this way, he wanted to enjoy this trip but he was physically unable.

'I should have brought some potions I knew I forgot something!'

While his body and mind ached he tried his hardest to keep himself awake. Despite everything, his eyes were opening and closing constantly and his yawns became louder.

*' Never forget...'*

"Are these nightmares trying to tell me something? But why now..."

His head fell into his hands with a large sigh.

"Even if they did mean something it's not like I can do anything about it now... Perhaps goddess can help me when I get back..."

"But we've got another day before we need to head back..."

Artemis turned over trying to ignore the urge to get up, with a silent yawn she brought her hands to he head and rubbed her eyes.

"Umm good morning Bell..."

She spoke but didn't get a reply. Guessing he was still asleep. With a slightly blurred vision, she moved over to shake him awake only to be met with an empty spot.


She opened and closed her eyes and looked around the small tent and realised quickly he had gotten up. She ran her hands through her long hair and moved it away from her face.

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