What Now?

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Aiz was still in shock at what just happened. However, made the shot was fast to get away it was a good thing they miss who knows what would have happened. Bell for what ever reason hadnt realised what had happened he seemed to be in his own little daze.

'Damn my plan was going so well' She didn't want to stick around for another shot she decides that it was probably best to move locations. It wasn't like they had to stay there it was just quieter.

Besides if anyone was going to follow them she would be sure to spot them.

"Bell im kinda hungry, do you mind if we go get something to eat?" she tried to make it seem like nothing was going on. Bell, on the other hand, had just come to his senses.

"Huuu, oh yeah, sure". Bell had just seen the current predicament he was in mainly because he was laying under her and was trying to not look at the view above him. But it was hard.

"Umm... Aiz" Bell was finding it hard to say anything.

Aiz had remembered their current situation. She carefully got off of him making sure to keep the arrow covered last thing she need right now was for him to panic.

"Let's go" she motioned for him to lead and quickly followed behind. She wanted to keep him from suspecting anything was wrong so she had to be careful.

"Umm Aiz, you seem kind of off today is something wrong. Bell was still trying to get a grip of what the hell just happened. 'She was about to do something I'm sure of it' his mind had a million questions but that one stood out the most.

Aiz continued to walk ahead of Bell making sure to keep her back to him so he couldn't see her face.

"I'm fine Bell, it's just been busy these last few days I guess I'm trying to catch up to myself." Her Answer was cool a collected but she knew that wasn't enough to hide behind.

Aiz knew this wasnt going to end well. She was trying to hide the fact that they had been attacked while also playing off what happened as something else.

'Maybe I was just seeing things back there was there really an arrow or did I just think that as an excuse to stop.
Aiz's thoughts were not helping her. She knew full well what she was doing. She wanted to show him exactly how she felt.

Meanwhile, Bell was still wondering behind her. He knew there was something else up.

"Aiz what happened back there?

Aiz stopped. She was worried this would happen Bell was naive sometimes but he wasnt stupid.

'Damn I was hoping he wouldn't catch on. Ok crunch time Aiz do you tell him the truth or the embarrassing truth? Or Do you just tell him everything?

Bell at this point had stopped just behind waiting for her to reply.

Aiz turned her mind was still at odds but she knew that there was only one way out of this situation.

"Bell I....


The two turned to there side a black hooded figure approached from a nearby street. Bell didn't know why but he was certainly felt this presence before.

"Can we help you? Bell was keeping on guard no one would walk these streets cloacked unless they had something to hide.

"Ohh nobody in particular. I just happened to be passing by.

Aiz was certain she knew that voice she heard it before it.but where.
Her mind was just starting to catch up. Before before bell grabbed her hand.

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