Hard truth.

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I'm sorry we have to leave yours and bells side at this time.

Hestia was seeing off the other members of the group this being Hermes, Asfi and Ryu who all had business back in Orario.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stay however I'm expected back at the hostess of fertility and I dont want to annoy mama Mia will have my head if I dont get back soon. Give my regards to Cranel and tell him to stop by the Hostess at some point.

Hestia nodded

I will and what about you Hermes whats your reasoning for disappearing at this point in time.

Hermes merely placed his hand on his chin and looked to the sky.

Like I said I'm required back in Orario I'm meeting with someone to discuss a very important matter however as much as id like to schedule it for another time I'm afraid the person in question doesn't like to be kept waiting.

Hestia was curious but decided if he wasn't going to tell her out right then there was no point trying to pry it out of him. He was good at avoiding questions.

Fine however when I get back I expect to have a proper apology.

Hermes nodded his head. Before mounting one of the horses.

A word of warning Hestia, keep the boy close he may be in good hands but that doesn't mean hes safe.

Hestia nodded she was sure he had his reasoning and she knew that it wasn't out of nowhere still she was planning to keep an eye on him and would only intervene if required.

Ill assume well meet in a few days and the latest send word for me when you return ill make sure to pay you a visit.

And just like that the three quickly disappeared into the distance and Hestia made her way back to Welf and Lili how were sat eating some breakfast. Despite Hestias continued suggestions that they should have joined the rest in going back to the city. However, that wasn't ever going to happen.

"So what now I mean I know you want us to stay out of the way of the Loki familia but what exactly are we supposed to do.

Hestia slammed down into one of the chairs beside them. Sighing into one arm.

"Nothing, just waiting"

Ok and how long is that going to be?

Look wasn't it you that said you weren't going to take a step out this town until you saw bell with your own to eyes.

Welf shrugged of the goddess comment and simply went about finishing his food.

I think what master Welf is saying is what do we plan to do in the meantime. Surely sitting around waiting wasn't your only plan now was it?

Hestia wasn't one for agreeing with Lili but she was right they couldn't just sit around waiting. However, this town wasn't known for much besides its hot springs and that wasn't going pass the time any faster.

Despite the three lack of agreement on what they should do next they all ended up doing their own thing. Welf went about repairing most of the gear from the weeks, Lili went about looking at the shops didn't say what she was after and for the most part Hestia didn't really care. Hestia, on the other hand, had taken to walking the streets taking in the local sights and views that the little town had to offer.

After about an hour of walking around, she got this weird feeling that someone was following her. But couldn't get a good idea how it was without giving away that she knew.

"Ok, I know you're following me come out."

Despite her sudden accusation, it didn't seem like anyone paid attention to her but she felt like she had scared whoever it was away. At least she hoped she did. Looking around once more she made her way back to Welf.

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