Chapter 50

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'And so, the dreaded day came. The many previous days of tension had finally reached its peak. A city roaring with cheers and chatter for two Familia's about to do battle. The stage was set. We had done all we could to prepare... and I yet I just lie awake wondering. Was it enough? Have I done all I could to prepare? Only time would tell... But one thing was certain. Win or Lose. my life is surely about to change....'

"Regis... Why did you save me that day? What did you see in me that was worth such action, such kindness? Even now I look back reminded of that kindness. This Familia welcomed me with open arms. But was it because I came in their time of need?"

*Knock* *knock*


"Yes, who is it?" Luna sat up from her bed. Looking towards the door. Waiting for a reply.

A soft voice spoke out. "It's Mikoto, we're all gathering downstairs, are you ready?"

Luna sighed heavily before looking down. She hadn't slept the entire night, so much so that she prepared her things in advance. Even as the sun began to rise, she had already changed in preparation.

'Still, they've shown me more kindness than most in this messed up world. Such kindness is worth repaying.'

"Y-yeah... I'm ready." Her voice carried her uncertainty. She was ready physically... But mentally a small seed of doubt had planted firmly in her head. But she just ignored it rising to her feet.

Mikoto remained on the other side of the door waiting. She waited to hear girl footsteps on the somewhat creaky floorboards. Though was left startled when the door suddenly flung open.

"Huh?" Mikoto recomposed herself. Mikoto waited for her to say something though it never came. On closer inspection, she got her answer.

Luna stood in the doorway still trying to prepare herself mentally though to no avail. Her body and hands began to shake. She tried hard to stop it, but this only made it worse.

Mikoto placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "It's okay to be worried. Sometimes fear is a good thing. It means you're not stupid."

"Huh?" She was left more confused the worried.

Mikoto laughed "Hehe fear before a battle is normal. What I'm saying is don't let it control your thoughts. Nobody is expecting you to win or to lose. Just do your best and have faith."

Luna smiled and nodded "I will, thank you Mikoto."

With that, the two-headed downstairs for what would be the final calm before the storm.


The two girls were the last to join the meeting table. Welf and Bell sat to the left looking over Bell's gear for the wargame. Artemis and Lili sat to the right chatting. The previous day they had been butting heads but now they seemed to be getting along if only on the surface. Next was Hestia who was patiently waiting for the last two to arrive.

She looked up and tried to look somewhat happier than she was. Though she was putting on a brave face she had as much to lose like everyone else. She didn't speak just giving them a simple nod to their acknowledgement as they took their seats.

Everyone turned to greet them though the mood said it all. Everyone had been dreading this day and now it was here what could they say. Though the mood was somewhat dampened by the event it wasn't going to get them down!

"Right everyone. Todays the day we kick that scumbag Apollo and his crummy Familia up the arse!" Everyone went quiet about to raise their arms into the air through Hestia was never one for motivational speeches. This caused Artemis to giggle to herself.

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