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Who the hell are you?

The figure came out of the shadows however Bell couldn't get a good look at the person due to them wearing a hood. However, judging by the reactions it wasn't someone they knew.

"Not gonna answer? Doesn't matter your gonna die all the same.

"Hmmm is that soo" your two men down the three of you here are barely armed and have already weakened. Not going to be much of a fight in my opinion.

It was a man's voice deep and calm heck part of him swears he's heard it before however beyond that he was at a loss for who it could be.

The leader didn't say anything. Turning to look to the to men beside him he made a nodding motion to one of them and without saying a word the man lunged at the hooded figure.

"Hmm not very smart are you.

He quickly turned to the side grabbing the mans arm and neck. With a firm grip on both, he knocked the attacker off balance. Throwing him to the ground. The next moment a large crunch could be heard and loud cries followed.

"Ahhh dammit he broke my arm. Boss help me."

The so-called boss stepped back looking to the man who not only disarmed but incapacitated one of his boys like it was nothing. Worse of all the screams would attract more unwanted attention.

"Damn you". The second one said about to attempt another attack on the man. However, the masked man seemed to say something under his breath.

"Spread fear in their hearts".

He could just make out the last line. The hooded man spoke in a dark and chilling tone. However, the surprise of everyone was the attacker just running past him dropping his knife without a second thought. Bell couldn't understand it was it something he said. A second ago he looked ready to die trying to kill him.

"Your friend made a wise choice now, I suggest you make the same. Or perhaps you plan on dying today."

I doubt the choice was hard at that moment. The man sighed in defeat and ran for his life.

"Hmm what do we have here?

He moved towards Bell how at this point was barely conscious. His vision was extremely blurred and the pain made it impossible to speak. He soon found himself going black.

"why am I so weak".

The man noticed that he fading and that he'd lose consciousness

"Hmm, can't just leave you here like this can i... Orion.

The three teams meet back up at the designated meeting place. And to everyone's shock, no one had found him.
Are you serious no one could find him. It's not like he fits in he's a white-haired kid wearing armour how many times do you see that.

Everyone looked at Hestia her frustration was starting to show.

Let's just came down I'm sure he'll turn up soon. He probably just needs...

Hestia didn't have time for the other god's words.


Hermes was taken aback by Hestia's sudden outburst. However, he wasn't just going to stand a take this.

"Nobody wanted this Hestia. I'm trying to ease his pain as best as I can just like you should be doing.

She turned her head away from his face this whole situation was one big mess.

Please, Goddess-sama this is no time to be fighting we need to find Master Bell.

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