Chapter 45

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Earlier that same day.

"Ugh really do I have to do this?"

"Look Luna, what are you worried about?"

Luna and Regis were walking the main street. It wasn't often that she got time to spend with her fellow companion however it wasn't a pleasure trip. She understood that business always came first.

"I'm not worried! I just don't understand why I have to join some random Familia!"

He shrugged, his hands resting in his pockets as he made a long and disappointed sigh. His eyes drifting from person to person, as his pace quickened.

"Because I need the boy to win this damn wargame. Freya has been quite vocal about her dislike for Apollo's plan."

"But you said we were finished with the boy, and why are we Freya's lackey's now? If you ask me this seems like a waste of time..."

He looked back at his long-time companion, shaking his head. He took a brief moment to look at Babel. His eyes piercing the past the heavens themselves.

"Believe me it's not, we need allies, Freya is a powerful and influential goddess in this city. Not only do we have her protection but her connections as well. As for the boy, I'd be remiss in letting such a prodigy go to waste."

Luna watched him. He was always cautious, never taking risks unless he had to, the last few days had been out of character for him. She had watched his obsession over a certain boy become a key problem for all them.

"Hmm? If you've taken such an interest in the boy why not just invite him in?"

'I would if I could Luna... Nothing is ever that simple though!'

"The boy is the family of an old friend... I made a promise to keep him out of this... However that doesn't mean I will stop him making his own decisions. I just can't influence it."

They stopped at the crossroads, Regis began scratching his face, specifically close to his old scars. They often annoyed him, while the pain had long since past the mark hadn't, it was hard to ignore them.

"Look... Why don't we stop somewhere for a bite to eat huh... my treat."

Luna stopped, the look of disbelief on her face said it all.

"W-Why? I mean yes B-but?"

He shrugged, looking up at the sky.

"Once you join Hestia's Familia almost all contact with you will be cut. That includes telepathically too... This will be the last time we'll speak for awhile. But I think you also need to understand why I'm entrusting this to you and only you."

She nodded understanding the situation.

'Guess I should have expected this. I'm glad he trusts me but...'

"Lead the way... You best not skimp out, but just to be sure I know a lovely little cafe nearby!"

He gulped as he knew Luna had a particular pallet when it came to sweets... especially the expensive kind... However his dismay didn't go unnoticed as she jabbed her elbow into his side.

"Hey! I'm the one doing all the work here the least you can do is treat me once in a while! If you're gonna be like this I'll make sure to purposely order all the expensive items."

Her coy smile matched her face perfectly, she acted so shy around people or overly aggressive, But he knew that deep down she was a little minx.

"Fine lead the way the way your... Majesty."

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