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Hestia wasn't happy. Angry, disappointed and even betrayed came to mind.

It didn't take them long to put two and two together, he left with Aiz that night, and he hasn't returned. Granted nobody could be sure he knew where they were staying, but that didn't sit well with Hestia.

"Are you still angry?" Welf sighed at the sight of the goddess mood. "Look nobody told him where we were so you couldn't blame him for spending one night there.

Hestia just ignored the blacksmith's words. She had barely seen bell since they arrived here and he ran off. Heck, in her mind, she was angry at herself for not being able to support him. But that wasn't what ticked her off.

'Damn you Wallenwasit' was the only thing in her head. She didn't hide the fact that she didn't approve of her, especially around Bell. She found that her effect on him was more than a bit strange.

Within a day she's managed to do more for him then any of them could have in a week. She didn't mind that what bothered her was the look she gave him. It was subtle most wouldn't notice. But not Hestia she knew that look well, she had seen it many a time. She even had it. She wanted to be alone with him.

"Hmmm oh, I know that look. Someones a little jealous". It didn't take Hestia long to snap out of her thoughts. She knew who the culprit was Welf wouldn't be that bold, and there was only one person left that I could be. Lili.

"I have no idea what you mean, and I'm just worried about the safety of my child". Hestia turned her head to face Lili. However, she wasn't ready for the next part.

Lili stopped and looked up towards the sky. "Goddess sama I know, I know the feeling you have. As much as you'll try to play it off as worry for him, we both know that isn't what this is really about

Hestia came to a sudden halt. Welf could feel the rising tension in the air. He knew nothing he could say or do would stop what was about to happen. He looked on to see the two females facing one another.

"Why should you care what I say or think! Hestia's voice turned severe. It was a rare sight she got angry but not like this. Welf could tell Hestia's mere aura the aura of a god was starting to radiate from her.

"Let me make one thing clear. Bell is my familia hes my child. So dont you dare make assumptions.

"Cut the crap, Hestia!" Lili had shouted at the top of her lungs. At this point she was leaning forwards, fist clenched. "Admit it you hate the fact that bell is interested in someone else but you."

Hestia soon took up a similar position as Lili she was standing her ground.

"Ohh I'm sorry that's ironic coming from the person who tries to spend every waking moment next to him." Hestia had soon brought Lilis feeling towards Bell into the conversation.

It was no secret that Lili had deep feelings for Bell. Ever since he saved her, she respected him, admired his bravery, his sense of adventure and for his care for others well being. These feelings soon grew into something more. She wanted to see him more to be with him more, and the more she did, the more it became apparent. She had fallen for him.

"You know what ill be the first to admit that yes, I love Bell. I love being with him. I love to watch him fight, to see him risk his life for others." Hestia looked deep into Lili's face. Her demeanour was stoic, but her eyes told a different story.

They glistened in the light due to the formation of tears. Despite Lili's best efforts, tried her best to hold them back but it was no use. "Unlike you Hestia, I have no problem with admitting that yes I'm jealous of Aiz I'm suspicious of anyone that gets that kind of attention from him.

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