Chapter 61

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The guild had finally settled down. Royman had finished another long and headache inducing meeting with Apollo, despite Hesita's insistence she be allowed to see her children she was little more than an ant compared to the shit storm that was Apollo. The fat elf rubbed his head and fanned his face as he looked at growing mountains of paperwork and complaints.

Despite putting a ban on all Apollo's activities that didn't stop the god from exerting his influence on the guild and its many supporters. His children went about starting fights in local taverns and shops. Harassing trade caravans that entered in areas of his protection and bribing other gods to stop the gathering of low-class magical stones. That was just the known problems and Royman couldn't even lift a finger to punish him while the wargames results remained contested.

"Ughhh how can one god be such a pain in my ass!" He groaned loudly as he picked up a piece of paper. "Disrupting trade, A lack of low-class magic stones, nobles refusing alternative familiars for protection! How many areas of everyday life can one person have his fingers in!"

The fat elfs stomach growled as he let out a sad sigh. "No! NO! He thinks putting a little pressure on the guild will make us crack but I won't be broken!"

He started furiously looking through the complaints trying to find anything that he could use to punish the upstart god.

"Lord Royman Is this a bad time?" The elf shivered as his hands dropped to his side and he fixed his tie. "N-No come in!"

The door opened and the tall red haired werewolf Rose walked in. Holding a small file in her right hand as she closed the door behind her. "Are you alright sir? You look like you're under a lot of stress?" She looked down and muttered. "For once." Under her breath.

"Stressed? Stressed! Of course, I'm stressed one god is being the biggest pain in my side and I haven't got a single scrap of proof that he's responsible. It's always his Familiar did it, one of his children started the fight. I can punish them but it doesn't affect him, he just gets another person to do his dirty work!"

Rose had longed to enjoy watching her boss suffer under increased workloads but nothing brought her more joy and headaches than having to listen to the fat elf moaning about the gods screwing him over.

"Sir the guilds healers warned you about getting to worked up. You'll collapse and be unable to do anything at all." 'Ohhh how nice that would be for all of us...'

Royman groaned knowing the werewolf had a point. "Yes... Your right Rose..." He coughed loudly before looking at the file at her side.

Royman sighed. "Ughh not more paperwork! I'm already behind on more important matters. J-Just tell me what it says and make it quick!"

Rose nodded as she opened the file. "Yes sir." She read through it taking a couple of minutes before closing it. "It's an update on Riveria's report. She believes Artemis is fit for combat but recommends another day or two to let her have her..."

"FINALLY!" He jumped to his feet with a small smile on his face as he pushed the stack of papers off his desk and rummaged through his draws as he tried to find something.

"Ahhh there it is." He quickly slammed two pieces of paper down on the desk as he scribbled his signature on both. "Get a guild courier to deliver these to both Hestia and Apollo. Have Genisha clear the colosseum for tomorrow! I want this wargame back on and over with! No crowds. Only the gods can be present for this!"

Rose watched her boss do more work in a couple of minutes than he had in the last two days. "Y-Yes sir, but on such short notice shouldn't we at least give everyone a day or..."

Royman took a deep breath but shook his head as he cut her off. "Rose, you've seen what troubles this last week have brought. The sooner one of these gods wins the better. If it's Apollo he can go back to being the self-centered narcissist of a god. If it's Hestia then I can imagine Apollo being run out of Orario faster than I can eat a cheesecake!"

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