
422 13 0

Bell's pov

I awoke to a brand new day. However, after the night before I couldn't just leave without checking on Artemis.

'After Hestia and I agreed to leave the matter till later tonight I was just gonna leave as early as possible. However, I don't feel comfortable if I don't.'

I walked down the stairs until I reached the door. I placed my ear towards the door. I listened for them talking but it was quiet so I assumed they were still asleep.

'It must still be early...'

I thought for a moment. I wanted to speak to her just to be sure she'd calmed down. After the last time something like this happened she ended up running off.

'Still worth checking just in case?'

I pulled the handle and slowly opened the door. Luckily it didn't creak and I was able to enter quietly.

The first thing that came to mind was the silence in the room. It wasn't a bad silence but it was noticeable.

'Guess there both still asleep after all. No point sticking around.'

As I was about to leave my eyes caught the edge of light blue. I knew what it was. I turned to look at the bed. Hestia was stretched out like normal but Artemis was not with her. Which means...

'Did she leave her to sleep on the sofa?'

I admitted it made sense if she was simply asleep. But she was knocked completely out. Surely Hestia wanted her to be comfy at least?

I knew from experience that it wasn't comfy of beds but it sure beat the benches upstairs.

'Ugh, my back still aches. Good for posture my ass.'

I soon found myself walking again. But not to the door. To my own surprise, I had made my way over to Artemis.

'I'm gonna hear about it if she wakes up...'

When she finally came into view my heart skipped a beat. She unlike Hestia slept so neatly. Her hair cascaded over the armrest but besides that, her body was tucked in close.

She had a blanket but at some point, she must have been restless and it had come off of her.

'She looks so cute when she's sleeping.'

I took the moment to admire her. She's beautiful, gorgeous even. Little details such as her slightly pale lips or random locks of hair that spread amongst her face.

'She looks so peaceful...'

I hated the thought that someone like her could be sad or angry. When we were out she seemed to admire everything and she seemed so nice and patient when it came to something.

'Even when your angry I must admit you still kept up appearances.'

'It must have taken a lot to get her to that point. Shame I had to see it... But I suppose it makes it that much better seeing her happy.'

She suddenly let out a light sneeze.

'Damn that was cute.'

I couldn't help but smile. When she was awake I felt bad for looking at her. Now that she was asleep I could take my time. Even if was a bit weird.

'Still, she must be cold. Don't want her to get sick.'

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her. Making sure that it wouldn't fall off if she moved. Her body must have reacted to the sudden warmth as her arms brought it closer and she snuggled into it.

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