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Deep within the city of Orario, Within the maze of structures stood a single well-hidden building that between two rather prominent buildings. At first glance, this wasn't Hermes prefered choice for a meeting place but he wasn't the one to chose it. He knocked twice and waited for a reply.


A voice came from behind the door it was old and weathered in its tone and lacked emotion. Hermes had to take a minute to make sure he was in the right place.

"I'm here to meet someone he should be expecting me.

there was a moment silence and for a moment he believed he was being ignored however before he attempted to knock again the door was opened and he was greeted by a small, grey-haired man his fingers were crooked and his face was full of scars.

"Hes waiting for you in the back.

Hermes merely smiled and hastily made his way to the back of the room. When he arrived he saw a person sitting alone in the corner. despite hiding there face behind a mask Hermes recognised the person and went to join them.

"I'm grateful you took time away from your previous engagements to come and speak with me. I know you're a busy person and you shall be well compensated for your troubles.

The man merely made a hand gesture for him to sit and Hermes did so.

"It's not often I get a request from a god know is it. Tell me why did you go through all this hassle to contact me. I'll be honest the only reason I'm here now is that I'm curious nothing more.

Hermes despite being a man of words found it hard to get a sense of the situation while yes he was the one that requested this meeting he still tried to keep an open mind about this.

"I've got a job for you, one that requires your particular talents for acquiring things. Are you interested?

The masked man simply put his head into his hand taping his fingers against the table he thought about it for a moment.

"You make it sound like I'm a common thief however we both know that my talents are better suited elsewhere. I know your kind Hermes you maybe gods but you're a slippery bunch so before I agree to anything you're going to tell me exactly what it is your after.

Hermes sat back in the chair he knew that this was going to be a difficult situation to deal with however he also planned for this.

"I'm looking for something however the problem isn't what. Its were in this case. To my knowledge, the location in question has been erased from existence. It shouldn't exist however that doesn't mean it never did."

"Hmmm, interesting tell me, if what you say is true then this particular place couldn't even be found. So why make a big deal about it.

Hermes' face turned serious for a moment he pulled his hat down over his face slightly.

"Let's just say I have evidence to suggest overwise. Now I need your word that you'll keep this information to yourself.

Hermes placed a small coin on the table and moved it towards the man.

"Ohhh I see, you're serious about this well if that's the case I guess I have no choice.

The man placed his and atop the coin.

"I swear to keep this secret, to take it to the grave and to never tell a soul.

The coin shimmered with light and fade before disappearing into nothingness.

"Fine here's the information you need to know.

Hermes soon found himself back in familia territory he walked away for his previous meeting with a sense of accomplishment however his next meeting probably wasn't going to go as well. He turned a corner to have his destination come into sight. The Twilight Manor Hermes sighed part of him didn't want to be here but he needed information and with a lack of options at his fingertips here he was.

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