Chapter 52

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'I can't believe Mikoto lost! She seemed so strong is this really the strength of Apollos Familia?" The young girl watched in horror as her comrade was carried away. Though if it was any consolation at least the same could be said about Daphne who also passed out shortly after.

The once high mood seemed to fade and uncertainty was finally hitting her again. 'Can I really beat someone like that? What could I even do if...'

"Your stronger than you think Luna. How many times have I had to tell you that?" She blushed and turned to see a Familia face heading towards her. She sighed heavily upon seeing the rough and rugged looks of Regis heading towards her.

"You said you would be cutting all contact with me? Now, you're just casually strolling up to me with little to no concern what gives."

The older man laughed shrugging. "Well at the time that was for the best. However, things have changed so tell me are you having fun?" She glared at him thinking perhaps it was a jab at her.

"I'm doing my job. Such things are impossible!" Her reply was quick and precise though Regis merely chuckled at it.

He crossed his hands and shook his head. "You're a terrible liar you know that, Luna? I saw you cheering with the rest. You actually had a smile on your face for once."

She seemed surprised by this but in a flustered state turned away. "I was only acting! Got to keep up appearances!"

"Hahaha oh yeah I forgot your such a brilliant actress. Come now Luna I'm not an idiot besides I'm happy for you. A Familia is a wonderful thing and Hestia's is no exception."

Luna just shrugged the comment off. "Whatever... Why are you even here? If it's to tease me I'm just gonna leave."

Regis put his finger to his chin and thought for a second. "Hmm while that would be fun to do that's not why I'm here. Come we have time for a quick chat before the next match starts."

He held out his arm in the direction of the stands. A lot of people had moved about and there were some empty seats free. She nodded and the two went to take a seat. The people around them were talking amongst themselves so they had no worries about being overheard.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" She asked keeping her voice as quiet as possible. Though she quickly realised that was just suspicious. Regis sat back and looked over to Apollo's corner.

"I don't trust Apollo. I dealt with him in the past, I have no doubts he knows about you and your abilities. Though he wouldn't have considered you a threat."

He looked to her his face said it all. He was concerned for her safety. "I can't prove it but he knows about your Familia's order and handpicked members to counter them."

Her eyes went wide at the news though she didn't have anything she could respond with. Just remaining silent as he continued.

"If this is the case. Then Hestia is screwed. I should have known Apollo would try this but I'm powerless to stop him. Even if I passed this to Freya nothing would happen. Perhaps if I realised sooner then..."

Luna didn't know if the situation could get much worse. Given what he was telling her they had all but lost even before it began.

"Why? Why are you telling me this?" The man closed his eyes and took a moment before responding.

"Because It's not completely set in stone. Welf will be fighting an Elf with a distinct hatred towards him. Assuming this blacksmith isn't stupid he can use that to get the upper hand." He turned to look at her. "You opponent will be Cassandra Ilion the mage of the group and probably the weakest in terms of battle potential but still dangerous."

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