Chapter 11

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A day has passed since the group returned to Orario. Despite the uneventful journey back, the same couldn't be said when they arrived.

Without warning, Bell was summoned to report to the guild. Welf was called to see Hephaestus and Lili well Lili just disappeared leaving Hestia alone.

However, while they were dealing with been gone for weeks, the Loki familia were summoned back to the twilight manor.

Aiz, Riveria, Tiona and Tione were all stood in a straight line. Loki was sitting at her desk holding the report that Finn had given her the day before. She was not happy.

"So which one of you would like to explain why I have a complaint formal complaint against you four. Or better yet why I'm being forced to pay for repairs to local hot springs?"

Loki's voice was calm and collected; however; she was, without a doubt, extremely pissed off.

"But goddess-sama it wasn't our fault..."

"Don't say anything! You will listen, and you will listen well, Tiona!

Loki had cut her off her stern voice sent chills down the girl's spine.

"This is the third time this has happened, and I'm not going to be the one to cover your ass. You and your sister are going to work this debt off one way or another"

Both Tiona and Tione's mouths hit the floor.

" That's, that's not fair."

Tione slammed her hands down on the desk. 

"Why do I have to pay for her mistakes?

Loki gave her a piercing stare.

"Dont question my decision, you did little to stop her before she went on her rampage and while it wasn't directly your falut you failed in minimizing damage."

Tione was about to interject but stopped knowing it was only going to make matters worse. No one could escape Lokis wrath. 

"Riviera make sure they dont slack off until they managed to repay their debt. You start today"

Riviera nodded and motioned for the other to follow her which with a defeated look on both of them. 

"I dont know what you two look down about. I'm the one having to babysit you".

Aiz turned to follow them.

"Wait I have a job for you Aiz".

Loki had stopped Aiz before she left. Aiz was curious at the assignment that her goddess had for her. She sat down on one of the chairs and made sure to pay close attention to her words.

"Before I explain what you about to do I want you to know something. And let's be clear your not to tell anyone outside this familia are we clear.

Aiz nodded in agreement. However, she was now more curious then ever normally Loki wasn't normally the type to sware secrecy especially to the closest in her familia.

"First of all while you were gone I received a visit from Hermes. Now I'm sworn to not tell anyone what we discussed however that doesn't mean I'm not going to take action. Every contract has a loophole."

Aiz just stood there confused nothing Loki said made any scenes.

"I'm getting off track. Anyways I believe Hermes is planning something in one of the ruins to the north of here and despite my best efforts to persuade him against it I fear hes gone ahead anyway."

Again without any context, Aiz was completely confused and her face said as much. However, Loki placed her head into her hands her face was full of concern.

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