Over the few months in Hogwarts, they've all grown close with each other, especially Athena and Hermione. Though they are polar opposites, Athena being a mischievous friend who always seems to get in trouble and Hermione the smart friend, responsible friend.

"I'll miss you too. Promise to owl me lots?" Hermione pulled away from the hug, looking at Athena.

"Promise." The two girls had separated ways as Hermione had run to her parents and Athena had joined Harry and Ron. "Are they here yet?" She asked.




Two voices rang throughout the whole station as horror-struck towards Harry's face, a massive grin Athena's, and confusion towards Rons. "Oh no," Harry whispered. Two men had ran towards the kids and engulfed their children in hugs. James was hugging Harry, lifting him. "Dad- can't- breath." James had let go of Harry and put him down. As Harry was catching his breath, he then hugged his father back.

While the father-son reunion was happening, a father-daughter reunion was also occurring. The two pairs had hugged each other, almost squeezing the living life out of each other as Sirius lifted his daughter up as well. As Athena pulled back, identical grins were on both their faces. 

"I missed you dad." Athena had whispered to her father as she hopped down from his reach.

"I missed you too pumpkin." Sirius spoke as he gave his daughter a warm hug. He then pulled away, now looking at the red-headed boy who looked nervous. "Why, hello there son. You've grown so much since the last time I saw you."

Ron grew confused. "Last time you saw me?"

"Ah, right..." Sirius mumbled, "You were still a year old when I had first seen you. Things happened and... just got busy, I guess..." The older Black explained, he then brought his hand out for Ron to shake. "Sirius Black, nice to meet you!" 

"Er, Ron Weasley, sir." Ron then shook the guy's hand, Sirius then changing it to a handshake, ending it with him ruffling Ron's hair. 

 "Any best friend of Athena is like family, so don't worry about that. And don't call me sir. it's weird." Ron smiled at that and Sirius pulled away. "Then this is Harry's father-"

"James Potter, son, nice to meet you." James gave a smile towards him as well and pulled him into a hug.

The two parents had a small converse with Ron, which made Ron much more comfortable. As they stopped talking James had then spoken. "Now I don't think I've gotten a hug from my other daughter." James grinned and looked at Athena.

Athena laughed and attacked James with a bear hug. The usual hugging thing happened, James hugged her and lifted her up as well. "How are you doing Fi?" James asked her.

"I'm good Uncle Prongs." Athena and Harry would call each other parents by their nicknames or sometimes uncle since the two dads were practically brothers.

"Alrighty then, we should go back to the car now." They all left the platform, making their way to the luxury car Tony had bought for them. Their luggage was set in the trunk, as the three children sat in the back seats. Sirius had then gotten on the driver's seat (as James could not drive for shit), and the older Potter got on the passenger seat. 

During the car ride back, the children were basically chatting with each other in the back seat as James and Sirius had chatted against each other. Sometimes they would listen to some muggle or wizard music, mainly muggle, and sometimes James and Sirius would get to know Ron better.


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