" Congratulations, you're a father now! " Warren smiled at the Kree Eternal.

" Thank you. "

Suddenly, a middle-aged lady physician approached the father and removed her surgical mask, leaving the operating room.

" Excusez-moi, monsieur. Étes-vous le pére du nouveau-né? " (Excuse me, sir. Are you the father of the newborn child?) " she curiously asked.

" Oui! (Yes!) " Methu-Selah instantly responded.

" Felicitacions, c'est un garçon! (Congratulations, it's a boy! ) "

The Kree Eternal and the mutant both shared glances and smiled at each other as they heard of the newborn baby boy from Carol.

" Well, can't believe it sounds like this could be a happy ending for you, guys, " Warren commented.

" Our hardships had paid off, " he nodded, shook his friend's hands and turned to the doctor. " Quand vais-je voir ma femme et mons fils? (When am I going to meet my wife and son?) "

" Vous les vertex dans la salle de récupération sons peu. (You will see them in the recovery room, shortly.) " she said.

" Wait, until Lila and everyone else hear the good news. They're going to be happy as well, " Warren added.

" Will you tell them as well? " Methu-Selah asked when the mutant nodded.

" Of course, it's the least I can do, " he nodded and grabbed his phone, dialling Lila's number before walking away to give her incredible news.

Warren reached the lobby area to the hospital's doorway, waiting for his fellow mutant to pick up the phone. It was still ringing, until a female voice with an English accent answered.

" Hello? " she curiously asked. " Who's this? "

" Lila, it's me, Warren! " he happily answered. " I have good news! "

" Right, mate. What is it? " Lila eagerly queried. " What happened to Captain Marvel? "

" Carol is fine, she has given birth to a baby boy, " Warren replied and smiled after telling her the great news. " They're both in recovery! "

" Oh..." she paused in shock and gradually realized the news. Then, she happily beamed and laughed, " That's so wonderful! I can't wait to see that lad from them! Yet, I wonder what's his name? "

" Hmmm, I'm not so sure. I haven't told what they have decided for his name. "

" Well, if that's the case, I'm willing to visit them after my shift at the restaurant. I'm scheduled for my next performance. "

" Good to hear, be sure to let everyone know. I'll see you later. "

" Sure thing, mate! Cheerio! " she greeted and ended the call as Warren turned to the Kree Eternal had gone.

He put his phone away after hanging up and before heading to Carol and Methu-Selah and sighed in relief, " This has been yet another good day. "

The mutant walked around the corridor and looked for the recovery room. He was searching for the exact place where the Kree Eternal went. He saw some patients and some medical staff going around, until he found the room where the spouses remained. Warren peeked at the doorway and listened to the conversation of the two.

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