17. Time in Dying

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"Sir?" Jin didn't move, didn't flinch at the words addressed to him, too tired to even lift his head. "Sir, we'd like to brief you on everything." The young HPA agent holding a file.

Yoongi's heart went out to the human, to both human's who were crumbling just to give him, give hybrids a better life then they were offered. One was dying, or dead as far as any of them knew, the other was so tried, not just physically, but mentally. They both dangled in dangerous waters, even played in those waters on a regular basis to help them and they always paid the price.

"Why don't you give it to me." Yoongi extended a hand towards the HPA agent. "I'll hold it for him until he's ready to ready it."

Yoongi could see the man hesitate, but it lessened Yoongi's gaze no less until the HPA agent nodded once and handed Yoongi the rather thick file; "Please make sure he signs off on it."

With a nod of confirmation, Yoongi watched as the HPA agent walked away to join the rest of the crowd moving around quickly. There were so many people that passed them, so many hybrids that were rescued in the mission, so many that needed urgent medical care as much as Yoona did. It was overwhelming to Yoongi as a hybrid, with his senses completely intensified, yet he could see that to a human like Jin, to even Reyna who now walked back around the corner with Jungkook, it was overwhelming to even them.

"Jungkook, just sit down." Yoongi spoke before Jungkook could start to ask Jin any questions. "He's okay, he's just tired." 

Jungkook nodded at the older hybrid before sitting next to Jin, wrapping himself around the human, rubbing his cheek into his back. Jungkook could feel how Jin's tension in his body seemed to relax, even just a little, as Jungkook began to scent the elder. Even if Jungkook was scared that his own mate wanted nothing to do with him, he couldn't take the fact away that Yoona was Jin sister and right now, his family was fighting for her life. So Jungkook could help him, could help a man who had gone above and beyond for Jungkook when he thought most he didn't need. 

Yoongi moved forward a little, taking the coffee cup in Jin's hands, placing it at his feet before helping Jungkook to push a now fast asleep Jin to comfortably lean against Jungkook. Yoongi gave a small smile to the bunny, making sure they were both comfy before leaning back himself, allowing Hoseok to cuddle into him with a soft whimper. 

Reyna could see that everyone was completely on edge, that exhaustion was the only thing any of them now felt. One by one she made sure they were comfortable as they started to fall asleep, before allowing her mate and sons to cuddle in towards her, their grips a little tighter for fear of what could have happened to her. Reyna's hands stayed in Taehyung's hair, softly scratching behind his ear as his whimpers sometimes got louder in fear, knowing his past was being relived with his eyes closed. Jimin also cuddled into Taehyung, his face pressed into his neck every time Taehyung started to move, even in his sleep Jimin was always looking out for his younger brother, and Reyna couldn't believe how lucky she was to be safe and healthy with her family.

Hours passed, Reyna's eyes stayed wide open as she watched over the men who slept, a few HPA agents coming to check if they needed anything. Reyna was just thankful that they all slept through the noise and chaos of everything going on in the hospital, they needed the rest, they needed a calm environment. She smiled thankfully as Mr. and Mrs. Astor showed up with their family, having bought warm good and drinks for everyone, Reyna leaving the warmth of her family.

"Have you heard anything?" Mrs. Astor ask, taking out a few warm blankets to place over the sleeping figured.

"Not yet." Reyna helped in tucking one of the blankets over Namjoon. "I'm sure they are just being careful, making sure she comes out the other end in good condition."

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