29. The Future Looks...

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The are some things a woman should never forget in her life, starting and ending with a man hell bent on making her life a living hell.

Yoona was in bliss, she didn't want to confuse it with the calm before the storm, but that's exactly what it was... and she didn't see it coming. The happy that followed her, that stuck around their family, it was enough for her to not worry about anything happening in the outside world. 

Jungkook stuck to her like glue, helping her to make rounds on the sanctuary now she was doing so much better, giving her a piggy back ride when her knee couldn't take it. Though the times Jungkook liked most were when they got to a point in the sanctuary he could pull her behind a tree or out of view from everyone else. He would listen to her small laugh before he simply kissed her, stealing moments where he could just whisper he loved her over and over again. His lips always moving softly against her own, both of them know it wouldn't get too far ahead, and yet they always leaned into the moments where Jungkook would push Yoona against a tree or wall and kiss her until she forgot to breath. 

What was even more happy, was Jin asking Yoona if she wanted to expand their small communities, giving the hybrids more. Jin had quickly realized that Maia and her children felt more comfortable with Yoona around, so they made the decision to move Jin's sanctuary to Yoona's. It barely took a month before the small farm sanctuary soon turned into a small town, though big enough that Jin and Yoona currently sat at her kitchen table making plans to extend the town they built around them.

"Really? You want to build a school?" Jin looked at Yoona like she'd grown another head.

"Why not?" Yoona pushed the plans she'd arranged for this very reaction, Jin's eyes scanning over everything she had. "There are a lot of families here, and with you being their doctor we can get a small clinic built, but with the children I want them to be able to have the option to learn more than simply being pets and slaves. Giving them the chance to learn, to be educated, we can help to give them everything."

"You want to build a school?" Jin looked back towards Yoona, after his eyes skimmed the paper work, eyes catching something and pulling it out. "You got certified to teach?"

Yoona shrugged at that, although the proud smile on her face gave her away; "I got my degree years ago, I just mostly did a refresher while I was laid in bed for those months. We can build a small school and the children here will trust me, so I can teach them."

"Your quitting? I mean..." Jin was looking confused now, wanting to understand. "You won't be rescuing hybrids anymore?"

"I will always be rescuing hybrids, and if the HPA needs me on a serious case, I told them to get onto me." Yoona smiled softly, reaching a hand out to hold Jin's. "But as of right now, I'm semi-retired from being the savior. And there are so many here who need me around, plus... we have mates here, Jin. After everything I've been through, I want to be here with him."

Jin shook his head, though the massive smile on his face told her how proud he was of her for making the decision; "You fall in love once and you become the biggest sap I know."

"Hey." Yoona smacked Jin's arm, who just laughed loud. 

"Leave Yoona alone," Maia rounded the corner, holding Sung-Jae in her arms, the small baby reaching up, half crying. "Your worse."

Yoona reached out and took Sung-Jae from Maia, who happily handed the baby over to the woman, before passing Jin with a kiss to his head, heading towards the fridge; "I already know you put in for retirement from the HPA, you want to focus on being a doctor to be closer to Maia and your family."

"Is this what it is now? You two going to be siding against me? Together?" Jin's words caused the two woman to look at one another before nodding. "What about you little man? Are you going against me?"

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