30. Already in Paradise (m)

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Yoona enjoyed the night air, walking comfortably and quietly next to Jungkook, hands tightly wrapped around his larger one. Neither of them bothered to speak, just enjoying the walk back home after spending the evening with their family. Even when Yoona's head moved to rest against Jungkook's heavily tattooed arm, neither of them picked up the pace nor spoke. Instead both of them just enjoyed their time together, basking in the never ending bliss that was their life now.

Calm. Peaceful. Happy.

Their life was happy.

"I was thinking..." Yoona spoke softly, hearing Jungkook hum to let her know he was listening to her. "You should move all your stuff into my room. And we could turn that room into a nursery."

Jungkook finally stopped walking, not entirely realizing they were at the side of their house now, staring down towards Yoona; "You really... I mean... um..."

"Shh," Yoona moved her hands to rub up and down Jungkook's arms, trying to calm the stomping bunny before her. "Take your time."

"You really want to have kits with me?" Jungkook rushed out, allowing his leg to stop bouncing long enough to ask.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Yoona smiled up towards Jungkook, noticing how his large ears stood tall, twitching in anticipation. "That includes having kits with you."

"Okay," Jungkook nodded, hair bouncing as his hands came up, cupping Yoona's jaw. "I'm going to kiss you now."

Yoona giggled a little, feeling the soft pressure of Jungkook's lips against her own, leaning happily into his arms. It was a decision she'd long accepted, yet hadn't voice to Jungkook, at least until now, and it still felt so right. Her future was with Jungkook, and they had built a home, safe and happy as their sanctuary was for them all. Next was obvious for anyone who saw them, mating wasn't exactly something they talked about much, but when it was, it was always the same. Yoona loved Jungkook, and would happily be his mate, and if that included a hybrid mating, Yoona would give Jungkook exactly what he wanted.

Like every other time they'd kissed, Jungkook started to pull away, only to be caught by Yoona's hands tugging him back. Jungkook grunted happily, eagerly moving back in to deepen the kiss, sighing in content to feel Yoona against him. Neither of them cared all that much to be standing outside, instead Yoona felt Jungkook's hands moved down her body, pulling her in by the waist, closer to him. Allow Jungkook access to slip his tongue into her mouth, feeling the light pressure of his move against her own.

"We should go inside." Yoona whispered against Jungkook, tugging at his shirt, keeping him close as they continued to kiss. "Definitely should go inside."

"Okay." Jungkook left one more soft kiss against Yoona's lips, before moving back enough to look at her again. "We should definitely go inside." Finally walking up the porch steps, Yoona paused to unlock their door, Jungkook pushed up behind her; "Just so we are prepared... when is your next ovulation?"

"Um... I don't know..." Yoona thought for a moment as she pushed the large door open, shrugging a little. "I've not been keeping track honestly."

"We should figure it out." Jungkook whispered into Yoona's neck, still wrapped around her as she locked the front door again, before starting to drag the large bunny up the stairs. "I'll go into my rut the day you start to ovulate."

"Really?" Yoona asked as if it was some type of surprise, though it kinda was in that moment.

Jungkook hummed, before they got to the top of the stairs, pausing for a moment; "Three days before your ovulation I'll go into pre-rut to start working into a mindset to well..."

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