9. The Power of the Queen

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Jungkook was starting to notice just how preoccupied Yoona's mind and attention was the last few days.

After she had finished, well more allowed others to finish, the driveway with Mr. Astor, Yoona had basically locked herself in her office, phone ringing none stop, computer never really getting a rest either. For the first time ever since Jungkook came to live with her, Yoona locked the door on Jungkook to her office. 

The first day Jungkook had allowed Yoona her space, occupying his own time, knowing that Yoona was busy and maybe she needed time to herself on a particularly hard case, he only worried a little when she didn't come down for dinner that day. The second day he would pass by her office door, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, he knocked on her closed door a few times, even leaving food in front of her door in hopes to see her, even for a moment. On the third day Jungkook had planted himself outside her door, hoping she would be opening it, even ask him in, he would only leave his seat in front of her door if he absolutely had too, mostly to bring Yoona food that he would end up eating on her when she didn't come out.

On the fourth day, Jungkook having slept in front of Yoona's office door, sitting against the wall opposite the door, when her door finally opened. Jungkook stood up straight and smiled at her, wiping at his eyes to make it easier for him to see her, trying to wipe the sleep away, trying to get a really good look at her, especially if she was to hide herself away from him again. Yoona looked tired, the bags under her eyes were very noticeable, her deep breath letting Jungkook know she hadn't been sleeping much, much less been outside her office to sleep or eat. From the unmissable sounds coming from her stomach, she was hungry too, the last plate of food Jungkook had bought her sat empty where he was once sitting.

"Hey," Jungkook spoke softly, not wanting to do anything to upset her.

"Hey," Yoona smiled softly, her hand reaching out scratch his ear.

For a few precious moments Jungkook closed his eyes and allowed Yoona to pet him, unconsciously moving into her hand. Loving her warm hands in his hair, the heat of her body finally so close to him, the sound of her heartbeat reaching his own ears. Opening his eyes to look back at her, he could see she was almost relieved, relieved that he hadn't back away from her, that he had allowed her to touch him.

"Sorry about disappearing on you like that." Yoona whispered, hating to have put him through that. "Something came up and I wanted to get on top of it as fast as I could."

"Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked, taking her hands into his larger ones.

"I don't want to lie to you. I don't ever want to keep secrets from you." Yoona admitted as they moved into the living room, Yoona getting comfortable as Jungkook pulled her towards him. "But it seemed the Bonavich's sent someone to find you."


Yoona's movement stopped, turning enough for her eyes to gaze across Jungkook's face. It seemed Jungkook already knew about this man. Had something happened before?

"Do you know him?" Yoona asked softly, her hand sitting on his arm as his other wrapped around her waist.

"He was my..." Jungkook tried to think of the right word to use for such a man. "Handler." Jungkook took a deep breath before continuing. "He made sure nothing happened to me and that I never got out of the prison they made for me."

"You know, I won't let them get you again." Yoona spoke confidently, even if quietly as Jungkook pulled her back to lean into him, loving just how safe she could make him feel. "You're not going anywhere unless you want to."

"Well there is somewhere I'd like to go." Yoona could feel Jungkook smiled into her hair, the thought of Lee and the Bonavich's in the back of his mind for now.

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