27. Family Dinner

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Before anyone realized, the morning rose on Saturday, and like everyday, Yoona woke up to a large bunny wrapped around her in the early morning. Her own body was stretched out over top of Jungkook's chest, his arms holding onto her so tightly that she knew there was no moving until he woke up. Though Yoona never minded, seeming to snuggle further into his warmth to try and get a few more minutes of sleep before the events of a rowdy day happened. 

"'Oodmornin'." Jungkook whispered into Yoona's hair, nuzzling his nose further into her, wanting to always be as close to her as he could. Yoona's hand moved up his arm, hearing Jungkook sigh at the feel of her skin against his own, squeezing her tighter. He always loved mornings, loved how he got to hold onto Yoona so tightly and she wouldn't want to run away, how he got to spend the first moments of every day wrapped around one another. "Why are you up so early?"

"You don't even know what the time is." Yoona rumbled a laugh into his chest, feeling him sit up a little to no doubt check the time next to the bed before laying back comfortably. 

"It's 8 in the morning. Too early to be awake." Jungkook mumbled, running his hand down Yoona's shoulder, tracing her spine and flattening his hand on her lower back. "We can sleep longer now."

Yoona groaned a little, making sure to keep pressure off her knee; "We have guests coming tonight, we have to go into town and buy groceries."

"Can't we just stay and cuddle and call everyone to not come?" Jungkook couldn't help tease, just loving that Yoona giggled. 

"No, I think it's time I meet your parents and time for you to get to know them again." Yoona lifted her head up, resting her chin on his chest, blinking a few times to look towards Jungkook. "I also think it's time I talk to Jin, make things better."

"I know..." Jungkook blinked a few times, finally opening his eyes to look down at Yoona. "I have to apologize a lot to Hyung's too. I did and said some pretty awful things."

"Reyna told me and from what I heard, you did it to protect me and if I'm not mistaken, as your mate, you only wanted to do what's right for me in a time I needed you most." Yoona reasoned with Jungkook, allowing her free hand that she wasn't leaning on to trace down his arm, intertwining her fingers with his own. "I needed you and you did what you thought was best for me in that moment. They'll understand one day what it's like to have a mate, and wanting only what's best for them, and here's hoping that their mate will never have to go through what we have had to go through."

"I'd never wish it on anyone." Jungkook whispered, bringing their connected hands towards his chest, just wanting her close and in his arms as she was. "And I never want to go through that again, me and you... you have to stay with me now, forever."

"Unless they walk up to our doorstep, guns blazing," Yoona moved up a little, kissing Jungkook's chin with a smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You always make it so hard..." Jungkook mumbled, looking up towards the ceiling with a small groan, closing his eyes as he heard Yoona's soft laugh. 

"What did I do?"

Jungkook waited a few moments before finally looking back down towards Yoona, sitting up a little more to really look at him; "You always make it so hard for me not to kiss you. But I don't want to do that, not until your ready because I know it still scares you that I'm a hybrid. Even if you don't realize it," Jungkook kept speaking before Yoona could protest. "You're still not completely okay with the thought of hybrids."

"I'm more terrified of leaving you." Yoona whispered. "So much more terrified that you will realize that a human isn't best for you because I come with so much crazy-"

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