37. Happily Ever After

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Yoona had been sitting on the couch for an hour now, Sung-Jae wide awake and still attached to Yoona, happily drinking his fill of his bottle while continuing to play with the ends of Yoona's hair over her shoulder. Jungkook himself hadn't left their side and the other sat around in a small circle, not making any sudden movements or taking their eyes off Yoona and Sung-Jae, in case they disappeared once again.

Yoongi had started cooking that morning and had yet to stop, seemingly making sure everyone was to get their share, even though Yoona's was a much larger portion as she picked at it, mostly only eating when Jungkook offered food. Everyone could tell that her full was on Sung-Jae, no doubt her own instinct where still on overdrive, even if she looked around and could easily tell that they were both safe. Yoona was still protecting Sung-Jae and she wasn't about to just let him go, she refused to even let Jin get a hold of the baby hybrid, not that he or any of the boys could blame her for that reaction.

"Are you full?"

"I think I want to shower." Yoona still spoke quietly, eyes never straying from Sung-Jae.

"I made sure to bring everything you'd need." Jungkook whispered too, arm around Yoona's shoulders. "Want me to wash Sung-Jae?"

"No." Yoona held the hybrid closer to her chest, now looking up wide eyed at Jungkook.

"It's okay, Yoona." Jin spoke now, standing to offer Yoona a bottle of water. "No one is going to take him from you. You can shower him when you shower."

"But I would like to take a look at your wrists." Jimin was the one to speak up, seated next to Namjoon who looked on high alert. "I can smell blood."

"It's not mine." Yoona sighed sadly. "At least most of it isn't mine."

"What?" Jin sat back down, watching Yoona take small sips from the water bottle.

"Tell them to go straight up the mountain, it's hard to miss." Yoona didn't look out towards the mountains, if anything she had looked anywhere but. "He'll be in the main bedroom... just... be careful with him."

"Should they take precautions?"

"They won't need to."

No one bothered to ask any more questions on the matter, letting Yoona stand and go shower with Sung-Jae in her arms and Jungkook behind her, whispering soft words of encouragement as they went. With the new information, Jin left the room, going to talk to the HPA that were equip for hostility, but are now on a more recover mission from what Yoona had told them, no one looking particularly excited. The other boys kept moving around, not being able to sit still, one ear listening for Yoona, the other following the HPA up the mountain and into an unknown situation.

"Where's a first aid kit?" Jimin asked Yoongi in the small kitchen, the elder hybrid pointing towards a large crate with a question on his face. "Some of the blood is Yoona's. I can patch it up for her when she gets out."

"Do you think she'll let you?" Yoongi had to ask, having seen Yoona's reaction to the thought of Sung-Jae being removed from her.

"She's okay hyung." Jimin reassured him, moving forward to scent the panther hybrid with a smile. "Her instincts are just protecting herself and Sung-Jae. Everything will be better once we're all back on the farm."

"We should leave tomorrow. Better to get them home."

"And we will, hyung."

Jimin stopped talking when Yoona came back out, freshly showered and signs of exhaustion starting to surface once again, moving to sit back on the couch where she had been, Jungkook still tucked beside her. Jimin moved forward, setting the first aid kit next to where he kneeled and looking up to Yoona, who questioned for a moment before simply nodding, setting Sung-Jae to one arm and offering her other. It didn't take a genius to know they were rope burns, and from the echoed gasps the other boys could guess what had happened to Yoona from the red raw skin on her wrists.

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