1. Dangerous Line of Work

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The reality of the world was this was normal. Normal for a woman to be here, under these circumstances, happily. Especially one of high status.

Yoona blended well in the room. The obviously pricey designer dress fitted her like a second skin, the red material snug against her pale skin. The just as obvious pricey designer shoes and handbag and coat were a dead giveaway that she belonged here, running a well manicured hand over the soft coat. Her family name, her ancestors making sure of it, was another dead giveaway that she belonged here.

Even if she didn't agree with it, nor liked it, she blended well.

"Excuse me, Ma'am?" Yoona turned, only to be greeted by one of the special servants here. "May I take your coat?"

Yoona noticed, without fail, the soft brown ears atop his head, the tail that moved behind him. They had made it their mission to make sure that the hybrids looked as good as they did tonight. This particular dog breed wore black slacks and a black button up shirt, it hung a little too loose on his shallow frame. The biggest reason to identify him as one of the special servants was of course the rather large sign that sat across his chest, it was a note of charge, the rates he was worth to these people. The offending numbers, as if his life was worth less then her because some cocky scientist nearly 75 years ago decided to splice some genes in a lab, clear and large that no one could miss.

It was easy to spot the hybrids at an event hosted to sell and trade in hybrids.

"Yes please." Yoona turned to offer her coat, feeling the hybrid help her out of it, before brushing her own hair out of her face as she turned back to face the hybrid. "Would you do me a favor?" Yoona quickly asked before the hybrid was dismissed.

"Of course, Ma'am." The dog hybrid bowed his head.

"Would you let Mr. Lee know that Yoona Park is here please." Yoona smiled widely, nonthreatening, having to play the part.

"Yes, Ma'am."

The dog hybrid bowed again before taking his leave allowing Yoona to approach the bar with a sudden need for a strong drink. The only good thing about these events, in Yoona's opinion, was the open bar, that access to continuous liquor allowed her to do her job a little more easily. Seating herself away from anyone who might think himself important enough to distract her from her job, overlooking the area, Yoona watched the other women. Each women was comfortable here, it was of course a woman's domain to be here, in search for her new plaything, spending her husbands money on something to keep her happy for the next month or so.

Many of them had designer clothes, just like her, some even going a step further to showcase their own wealth by already having a hybrid at their side. Majority of the hybrids there were for show, wealthy leashes, wealthy collars, a wealthy owner looking to replace them with someone younger, with someone new.

Even if they looked human, the animal features attached to each hybrid made them lower than the humans who owned them. Humans constantly argue that the hybrids are at the mercy of their animal instincts, not able to control themselves, even if she had only ever had trouble with instincts from humans, it was the law.

The law was tough, and Yoona was bound by the law, even if she moved against it.

"Ah, Miss Park..." Yoona turned in her chair, placing the drink she was handed once she sat down, back on the bar. " It's a pleasure you could join us today."

"Thank you for the invitation Mr. Lee." Yoona took the old man's wrinkled hand as a welcoming gesture, even if it made her skin crawl.

"When a woman of your status shows interest in one of my pets," The world hung in the air for a moment 'Pet' , almost making Yoona snap, but she was trained to hold her expressions, keeping the easy, relaxed smile on her face as she nodded a confirmation. "I am sure to take care of her."

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