7. The Question

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Jin stayed for another hour, much to Jungkook's dismay, checking Jungkook's physical health, any scars, past broken bones, his overall health. Considering his past, Jin was surprised at just how healthy Jungkook was, physically he was one of the healthiest hybrids he'd come across while in recovery. Jungkook was a healthy buck, and Jin would have to give Yoona a few warnings, especially with his body relaxing into his environment. Like any hybrid whose body was in a stressful situation, Jungkook was finally starting to rest.

Yoona walked Jin out to his car, after packing up his briefcase, Jungkook sat on the top of the porch watching Yoona and Jin carefully. He didn't want to stay so far away, but Yoona had asked nicely, promising to pet him later on, for him to stay on the porch. Even if the entire time his foot tapped away against the steps, his loud grunts could be heard even as they walked further away, especially when Jin walked too close to Yoona.

"So," Yoona smiled when they were finally out of earshot from Jungkook.

"So?" Jin repeated as they stopped next to his car. "You've got a good thing going on here."

"Yeah, Jungkook is recovering pretty well." Yoona looked back at the bunny hybrid huffing, blowing stray hair out of his eyes. "He should be ready to integrate into another hybrid family on the property soon."

"Listen, Yoona, about that..." Jin opened the car door to throw his briefcase onto the passenger seat, rubbing the nape of his neck. "I don't think it would be a good idea for Jungkook to leave you."

"Well of course he won't leave completely, there are plenty of rabbit hybrid families on the property. Not to mention he could end up out with Yoongi and Hoseok." Yoona smiled, gesturing out towards the busy sanctuary, hybrids working, playing, happy.

"I don't think you understand me, Yoona." Jin's ears started to turn red, he was embarrassed, and Yoona didn't know why. "Jungkook won't be able to leave you at all if he continues his recovering the way he has been."

Yoona was no doubt completely confused at that, she couldn't exactly see what it was Jin was trying to  say. They had done this so many times that it was natural for them at this point, natural in the recovery of all hybrids that passed onto the property. Yoona would take in the hybrids, giving them a place to live, a change at a home, help them to recover, to get through the first few steps of some normalcy. Jin would give Yoona an evaluation of the hybrids progress, whether they were going to be able to move forward or not, before they were able to live a normal life again.

Why was it a bad idea for Jungkook to leave Yoona?

"Okay, let me be blunt..." Jin laughed a little, even if his ears were red. "Jungkook is bonding with you. And fairly soon, a lot sooner by the looks of it, he is going to be completely bonded to you."

"Bonded... to me?"

"Surely you've seen the signs of a bonded hybrid rabbit before?" Jin asked.

"Of course, I have. Circling their chosen mate, gnawing and nipping on them, purring... oh."

Jin laughed, quite loudly, causing Jungkook to stand from the porch, his ears flickering until they stood tall on his head. He was ready to run towards Yoona and Jin, ready to be by her side if she needed help, though from one look of reassurance from Yoona and Jungkook stayed were he stood. Opting this time to stand up straight on the porch steps, ready to be by Yoona's side when she needed it.

"The choice is yours of course." Jin patted Yoona shoulder a few times, laughing slightly at the warning grunts coming from the porch. "But you do need to make your own choice. You can either allow the bond to be made. Or you have to stop it, now."

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