14. What You Need

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It took Yoona very little direction to sit in the chair offered to her, the mouse hybrid quick to offer it to her and quietly ask if she was comfortable. With Yoona's nod of approval, the three women began their work, wiping the blood and dirt from her skin as softly as they possibly could, even in their hast. Yoona didn't once make it hard for them to get their work done, moving her head when they needed, leaning back when the rabbit hybrids small hands started to work a brush through her unkept hair.

Not one of the women was willing to meet Yoona's eyes, so she sat in silence, waiting as they fixed her entire appearance within a 6 minute timeframe that Yoona herself almost didn't recognize the reflection in front of her. Yoona somehow looked softer, younger then what she originally thought even herself could look, her once ghastly pale skin now seemed to have some color back in it. Her appearance, her face, her skin, they all seemed to finally match the clothing Jung-Hoon had made her wear, she seemed more suitable for the soft appearance of a woman meeting someone important then she did when she was first dragged into the room.

Yoona's eyes couldn't help but drift over to the 3 women surrounding her, the hamster hybrid seemed to be the oldest from what Yoona could make out. Her baby face, her chubby cheeks, her small ears on the top of her head where all a dead give away to her hamster DNA, the way her nose twitched caused Yoona to smile slightly. She small hands were so delicate every time she allowed the soft, wet towel to touch Yoona's skin, almost always asking Yoona for permission to touch her before she actually did. The hybrid sat at Yoona's feet, now helping Yoona into a pair of pink ankle strapped heels, comfortably buckling them, silently asking Yoona if she had set them too tight or not.

The rabbit hybrid was taller then the other two, she was beautiful, if not a little malnourished, and from the place they all were, Yoona didn't doubt that everyone that set foot in this place would walk out like that. Even with that little detail, the rabbit hybrid was absolutely beautiful, long, black hair that was currently pulled back into a pony tail, her white ears smaller then Jungkook's allowed her to leave them standing on her head. The way her smooth hands ran over Yoona, making sure everything was in place, let Yoona see that she was a woman of detail, her sharp eyes a little more steady compared to the hamster hybrid, but still she didn't look Yoona in the eye. Her long, slander fingers moved over Yoona's wrist, fastening a small, silver bracelet around her wrist, a small 'J' pendant hung on it that only caused Yoona's stomach to twist, knowing it didn't stand for something like Jungkook.

But it was the mouse hybrid that held majority of Yoona's attention, her eyes following all of her movements as she brushed softly though Yoona's hair. The mouse hybrid was by far the most striking of all the women that stood around Yoona, something almost unnerving about just how beautiful she was. She was rather tall for a mouse hybrid, her legs being the most prominent feature, even with the heels they made her wear made her so much taller, her legs perfectly curved. The mouse hybrid had the soft eyes of them all, no doubt a kind woman from the soft smiles she would give Yoona every time she went to do something else to Yoona's hair to make it as soft and beautiful as she was making it.

What really struck Yoona were the obvious signs of abuse she had been through, the rabbit and the hamster had no physical signs, but the mouse hybrid was covered in them. Scars, cuts, bruises, littered every inch of her skin that was exposed, Yoona could see that the milky white of her skin was now different hades of blue, purple, yellow, green, black, and she didn't put it past the parts of her skin covered were even worse. Yoona didn't like the way she looked so fragile, so obedient, and yet she looked the most well looked after out of the 3 women that stood around Yoona.

The expensive jewelry, the obviously expensive clothing, the mouse hybrid was very well looked after, if the jagged branded 'J' into the left side of her neck was anything to go by. The mouse hybrid had been branded, the same way she knew Jungkook had been branded on the back of one of his ears with a 'J' that still haunted him.

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