16. Eleventh Hour

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Even if she could, Yoona couldn't scream.

She was rushed, her hands going up to cover her face as numerous predators swarmed around her. Claws swiped at her, teeth punctured her already torn and spoiled skin, a foot even connected with her stomach, causing Yoona to double over and clutch at her body. Her body convulsed, at first nothing but a dry-heave, but as the the assault continued blood and anything Yoona had ate ended up spilling out of her mouth. 

Yoona couldn't even think about the fact that majority of the content that left her body ended up covering her body and the closest hybrids. The smell alone could have caused Yoona to throw up again, but the continuous strikes of a foot, of a fist, of a claw, and the blood that streamed from her mouth wasn't just going to stop. 

Yoona's vision blurred, it could have been from her wet hair in front of her eyes, it could have been from the sweat on her forehead, it could have been from the tears welling in her eyes. There wasn't a definite answer, but Yoona could barely see anything anymore, the feeling of her body breaking was becoming too much, the smell surrounding her was overwhelming, the growls that reverberated off the walls shattered her hearing. 

A searing pain of adrenaline coursed through Yoona's veins, her body going completely numb before gripping the dagger as tightly as her hands would allow her. Her arm seemed to listen to her brain and it darted out, somehow the blade of the dagger making contact with 2 of the hybrids. Making enough contact with them that a few drops of blood mixed onto the ground with her own blood, the predators retreated a few steps, trying to think of another plan of action.

Yoona was running on autopilot, her body was completely shutting down and yet her mind still gave her a fighting chance. 

On one leg, her completely shattered knee causing her leg to go completely dead, Yoona swung her body around and threw the dagger.

It landed in the panther hybrids leg. His body falling to the ground, holding his leg in pain.

Yoona blinked enough she could see Jung-Hoon's reaction to how Yoona looked. It was nothing short of a crazed possessed demon, soaked in blood and water was the sight before him, Yoona's broken and beaten body standing on one leg, her hand helping to hold her against the wall. 

Jung-Hoon seemed to have blinked a few times in shock, standing from his seat and doing something no one could have predicted.

He pulled out a gun.

Aimed it at Yoona.

And shot the other 4 hybrids... dead.

It caused Lee to smack his hands, the gun dropping and sliding away from him as Lee began to scream at Jung-Hoon. He was asking what he was doing, but Yoona could tell that Jung-Hoon wasn't sticking around, running out the door as Lee moved towards Yoona with a murderous look. 

"Why won't you just die?" Lee screamed at Yoona who tried not to crumble under the haze of her mind. "Just die."

Lee pulled the dagger from the now dead wolf hybrid and charged Yoona, her body falling back, her head striking the wall. Yoona's body gave way, barely grasping onto Lee as luck made sure that the dagger didn't pierce her already mangled body. Lee's own grip on both Yoona and the dagger faltering, and falling to the ground with a ringing in her ears that never quite stopped.

For the first time since Lee had asked, Yoona screamed as Lee's heavy body fell, landing on her blown knee.

"That's what I like to hear." Lee cheered, as if his slip was on purpose and not to the credits of the absolute mess Yoona had made. Lee's hand grabbed Yoona's knee, squeezing as Yoona's body spasmed, screams reverberating against everything. "Music to my ears."

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