36. Finally Found

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Jungkook was getting antsy, his skin started to crawl as the seconds ticked by that they weren't doing anything but stand around and waited for something, permission Jin had said, for them to go get Yoona. He knew where she was, he knew how insane his own brother was, much more than anyone who currently stood around with him, and he knew the dangers he possessed and yet everything was motionless. Though no one could give Jungkook a straight answer for when he could go and get his mate, much less an answer for what was going on and why everyone was whispering and speaking in hushed voices.

So it was only natural for Jungkook to finally get up from the porch, where Jimin and Taehyung had been sitting with him, now quiet, watching as Jungkook started to walk away from them all towards a car. Yoongi was the quickest too him, stopping him, standing between Jungkook and the car door and staring the bunny hybrid down who didn't flinch or take a step back from the panthers piercing gaze.

"Okay." Yoongi ended up nodded, producing a pair of keys. "I'm driving."

"About time too," Hoseok opened the door to the backseat, smiling at Jungkook. "You get shotgun, try to play good music."

"Jimin should go with Jin-hyung and Namjoon." Yoongi points in the direction of the fox and tiger standing with each other. "You'd be the best hunter between us all and you need to make sure you have her scent. You'd only be distracted by Jungkook if you tried to. Tae can come with us."

It was decided, and everyone was set into motion, no longer waiting for the diplomacy of the HPA, instead moving towards where they needed to be, making sure the sanctuary was being taken care of. Jin struggled a little, Maia trying to argue her way into the car, wanting to go along and Jungkook could only look away, because he got to go get his mate, but she had to wait for others to get her son.

"Maia, please." Jin held her, holding her as close to his chest as he could. "Please."

"He's my son."

"And I promise to bring him back." Jin kissed her forehead, gesturing for Reyna to come help him. "We should be back soon. Everyone will be safe."

Reyna held onto Maia as she cried, all they could do was watch the two cars drive away from them, they could only hope they all came back, that the men driving out of the sanctuary were safe. It was just as hard for Jin to drive away from Maia and his family, but he knew, they'd never truly be a family without Sung-Jae and Yoona back where they belonged, here with everyone that loved them.

"Don't worry, Maia." Reyna's arms tightened a little around the mouse hybrid, looking the sanctuary of hybrids who were all on the lookout, waiting for their savior to come home. "They'd be stupid not to listen to us and not come home safely."

Maia couldn't help laughing at that; "That's true."

"And Yoona... well, we all know she's made of something different." Reyna smiled at the thought of the beautiful woman who had always seemed to put herself before others, keeping them safer then herself. "She'll have Sung-Jae out of there in no time."


Yoona had finally stopped crying hours ago, haphazardly wiping blood on her clothes and making sure Sung-Jae was okay, the young boy starting to get fussy, no question he was hungry and the smell was starting to get to him. But Yoona still couldn't move, no matter how much she tried, no matter how much she pulled against the ropes which only got tighter and tighter the more she pulled at it. Though Yoona knew she couldn't panic, she couldn't afford to when she held a life in her hands, so she had to be smart and think of a plan as quickly as she could with what she had.

"'Sunshine, you are my sunshine,'" Yoona softly sang to a fussing Sung-Jae who was clawing at Yoona's chest, asking for something to eat, something Yoona couldn't get for him. But Yoona could make him feel as comfortable as she could make him, especially tied up in a room where she can't move too far from the bed. "'You make me happy, when skies are grey.'"

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