12. Different Worlds Collide

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Yoona was cold, she could deal with the hard surface underneath her slumped body, but after such a warm day with Jungkook, the cold was almost unbearable to surrender to and yet the heavy weight of her body held her down. Her head throbbed, the ground beneath her was solid, uneven, and completely uncomfortable, her hand cradling her head as she held her body up, even a little to escape the bitter chill. It was not something anyone living, and breathing should be lying on, and yet as her body curled into herself, trying to support her tired body from the frigid air, she knew that that it was a place where living beings were thrown away into.

Blinking forcefully, trying, and failing to open her eyes, even in what seemed like a dimly lit room, Yoona wouldn't be able to see barely a full meter in front of her nor anywhere around her. Yoona's eyes barely opened, squinting, merely only making out shadows and shapes, and it wasn't promising. Nothing within her line of vision, that was actually visible to her naked human eye that is, as she tried to sit up was a good sight, for anyone.

Finally dragging her icy, limp body against the even colder wall, Yoona's eyes finally started to focus, adjusting to what little they could to the darkness, well the icky green that lingered as a mild source of light. Her eyes skimmed her enclosed surrounding, a caged held her where she sat, a cell, metal bars kept her locked in the prison, blinking a few more times as she leaned back and practically falling against the hard wall. Her hands felt around her, having more success in actually seeing around her, Yoona could recognize what was actually around her by the rough and unpleasant feelings under her hands, cement held the cell up, causing her to shiver.

Out of the corner of her eye Yoona caught movement, only causing Yoona to back right up into the frozen wall, her guard completely up and ready to attack if she needed to fight her way out. A thin shadow moved slightly, moving backwards and away from Yoona, seeming to fall backwards and into a ball on the ground. From what Yoona could make out, from what she could actually see through squinted eyes, the shadow moved slowly and almost heavily, but was too sharp to actually be anything but a very malnourished body curled into itself.

"Who's there?" Yoona voice was scratchy, she needed water.

The shadow froze against the harsh green light that seemed to buzz down what could only be a hall, crouched into itself and avoiding Yoona's voice that echoed off the cell wall, almost trying not to breath. They seemed to think if they didn't move, Yoona wouldn't think they were there, that it was more of figment of her imagination, her eyes playing tricks on her in the sickening pitch black and green. But in a place like this, Yoona would never let her guard down, she would never turn her back for anyone to get the upper hand, Yoona would face the danger head on, even if it hurt her.

"Hello? Who the fuck is there?" Yoona aggressively growled, needing whoever was there to come forth, her eyes wide open, she could only be described as a cornered animal as her hands curled into protective fists.

Yoona did not, for the life of her, expect to recognize the huddled figure as she had moved close enough to see the face hidden from her. A completely sunken face looked up at Yoona, dead eyes shifters uncontrollably, avoiding to look at Yoona and yet maybe the person couldn't actually focus on one thing. Being trapped in such a dark place, a repellent green being the only source of limited light, no natural air flow to allow normal brain function, Yoona didn't doubt that focusing on one thing would be too overwhelming. The vile smell that didn't just linger in the air, but seemed to sit on Yoona's tongue almost doubled as she stared at the person below her, there was no real word for Yoona to use that told her senses what was going on. But she could honestly tell what she was feeling... nausea settled into the depths of her being and stayed, like lunch on a stormy sea.

In the life Yoona had chosen to live, to protect those that needed it most, she would never have expected to see the unlawful skeleton, barely held together by herself, trapped like a wild animal.

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