13. Enemy Territory

Start from the beginning

"Your fighting the wrong fight." Mrs. Bonavich was now frantic. "Jeon isn't just here... the government, the CEO's, the power of this country. She's everywhere."

Mrs. Bonavich was now right up in Yoona's face, frantically digging her nails into Yoona's skin as she talked to her. Both of them could hear it now, more then one heavy set of footsteps moving towards them, but Mrs. Bonavich wasn't stopping.

"No one ever has a choice. Not with her having so much power. You have to protect him. Protect the boy."

5 men, all dressed in black came bounding down a hidden staircase, the cell door slamming open just as one of Mrs. Bonavich's hands move to a pocket of hers and them to Yoona's hand. Something heavy was placed into her hand, but small enough that Yoona could hide it in the shirt she wore, tucking it as fast as she could under her bra before Mrs. Bonavich was ripped from her. Deep cuts were now in Yoona's arms, blood slowly moving from the four long marks as she watched Mrs. Bonavich being dragged from the room, two of the men holding Yoona up against the wall.


"Time for your medication." The one that seemed like the leader helped to hold down Mrs. Bonavich. "Take her out."

Mrs. Bonavich screamed as they finally dragged her out of Yoona's line of vision, Yoona knowing better then to fight against the two men in front of her. She raised her hands in surrender, eyeing the two men who kept their hands on Yoona, before she shook them off and backed as far away from them as the cell would let her. Both men just smirked at her, evilly eyeing Yoona, giving her some appreciative nods towards her as they confidently checked her out.

As they took a step towards her, Yoona's hands not going down, she spoke; "Get any closer and you'll be dead."

Both men faulted in their steps, surprised that a woman who had seen that both men towered over them just threatened them. They were surprised that she was so calm as she stood in front of them, defenseless and in their mind, weak.

"What can you possibly do to us?" One of them laughed, trying to ease the tension back to them being on top.

"Are you gonna tell on us?" The other moved again.

"I can show you," Yoona now smirked, seeming to unnerve them. "How they taught me to kill a man with my bare hands." The laugh Yoona gave was short and chilling in such an environment. "You'd be surprised what you can learn from them."

"HEY!" A voice yelled from the top of the staircase. "LEAVE THE CRAZY BITCH ALONE. NO ONE IS TO TOUCH HER. MISTRESSES ORDERS."

"Off you go." Yoona finally put her hands down, sliding down the cold wall. "Your master calls for you."

Yoona could tell they were human, so to have her tell them to run to their master is like putting them into the same league as the ones they hate. Both growled in warning to Yoona as she got comfortable on the ground again, eyes never leaving them.

"Oh was that a warning?" Yoona was mocking them, showing everyone who watched just how much their instincts were exactly like those they wished never existed. "You should never growl at a guest, didn't your master teach you that?"


"Run along. Or you'll be punished." Yoona winked towards both men who seemed to be vibrating with anger.


It was too late, too late for anyone to stop one of the men who seemed to rush Yoona where she sat. Yoona saw it but moved to late, a large fist connecting with her face, her head moving back and hitting the wall behind her. The ringing in her ears didn't help as the man picked her up by the collar of her shirt and smacked her across the face as she screamed profanities at her. Something about how he wasn't like those filthy animals she would lie with, hitting her jaw and causing her to spit blood on his face before another group of guys came to pull him off of her.

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