12. Different Worlds Collide

Start from the beginning

"The fuck are you doing here?"


Jungkook was looking forward to getting home that late afternoon, practically counting time as he worked at a speed that anyone could tell he wanted to get done quickly. The high spirits that surrounded Jungkook only seemed to follow him and touch everyone who had come into contact with him, causing everyone to smile and laugh. Mr. Astor and his sons couldn't wipe the smile off of Jungkook's face, even if they wanted too, they were just as happy to see Jungkook, and in turn Yoona, so happy, and before long, Jungkook walked the long path back home.

Home... he finally had a home. 

A home he was proud of. A home he could come home to and be welcomed honestly and completely. A home where someone would be waiting for him with open arms.

He had found his home.

At 6 o'clock exactly,  Jungkook and Mr. Astor finished in the fields, deciding to walk back to their homes together, enjoying the lasting setting sun and the lasting of the warmth it gave before a normally cold night. It had been getting colder and colder during the night, although Jungkook was the warmest he'd ever been the night before wrapped around Yoona, but what warmth the setting sun gave help with the bite of the cold that was there. 

Mr. Astor noticed Jungkook eyeing something in front of the many houses they walked between as they made their way home, talking quietly to one another. With a knowing smile, Mr. Astor moved towards the houses, leaving Jungkook to stand in the middle of the path, mouth open in shock. He talked a little to a beautiful hamster hybrid with a toddler wrapped around her ankles who giggled shyly towards Mr. Astor, asking if he could take a few as he gestured towards Jungkook. The hamster hybrid nodded happily, bowing her head towards Jungkook a little before leaning down and taking her sheers to the flowers, cutting off a few to make a small bouquet, before bowing in a small goodbye and catching back up to a stunned Jungkook.

"For your mate." Mr. Astor smiled widely, handing Jungkook the sunflowers to bunch up in his own grasp. "These are her favorites."

Jungkook smiled down at the small bouquet of sunflowers, they were bright and beautiful and Jungkook just knew that they suited Yoona. Having seen so many vases filled with them in the house, a fresh bunch every morning on the counter as they ate breakfast, or sitting in her office as she worked. Jungkook had always seen how she looked at them, like they held so much for her, even seen Hoseok and Yoona playing in a massive field of them when they should have been working, not like Jungkook would have ever told her not to.

"They mean adoration, loyalty and longevity." Mr. Astor continued as they both started to walk again, getting closer towards their homes. "Yoona always thought that sunflowers would make anyone happy, bring joy to them. And she always wants to bring joy to people, especially to those who enjoy it. And you seem to bring her joy."

"Do you think so?" Jungkook looked up at the old man who had become like a grandfather to him, wanting his approval as much as anyone's to be with Yoona.

"My boy," Mr. Astor put his arm around Jungkook with a soft grandfatherly smile. "I have never seen Yoona smile as brightly as she does when she looks at you. It reminds me of when I first meet my mate."

Jungkook blushed, his hands holding onto the flowers tightly, twisting them slightly in his grip, not wanting to damage the stems. Jungkook wanted to make Yoona smile, only ever to make her smile and happy and never give her a worry in the world, if he truly could, he'd take all possibility of making her upset out of this world. He had always promised to never make her sad, only to see brighter days with her, to bring her joy, just as he knew the contentment she'd feel to have these sunflowers.

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