Zoe takes a deep breath and starts talking. "He kissed you for the second time and he regretted it immediately, he completely fell in love with you, again. He called me - he was crying - begging me to come over. Of course I needed to go. I was happy Alfie was here with you and I told you I was going to Louise, well you know now, that was a lie." I remember that evening.

"Zoe your phone is ringing!" I remark without looking up from my phone. "Thanks!" Zoe walks to her phone and he happy phone greats the person who called her. "Zoe!" She repeats with a high pitched voice. Her smile disappears and frowns. "Calm down, I don't understand you. Talk slowly." She says softer, and she walks away to the kitchen. I shrug my shoulders and look to Alfie, who's looking to the kitchen as well. Then he looks to me and shrugs. I'm wondering who's on the other side of the phone.

"Guys, I'm off to Louise, she needs me for something. I'll be back later tonight!" She says as she grabs her jacket and leaves the house a second later. I look questionable to Alfie. "Louise can be so emotional sometimes. She probably only dropped one of her favorite glasses or something!" Alfie jokes and I laugh. "Yeah but you don't know how much that hurts! I'm also really attached to my glasses! Well if I had them!" Alfie and I laugh and we both look down to our phones again. I chuckle one last time and continue doing what I was doing.

I look to Zoe who's looking serious. She continues. "When I came over he was really upset, still, even though it was an hour later. I talked with him for two hours. He told me he hated himself for having this 'stupid' crush and he wished he could get over it." Zoe looks upset herself now and I'm wondering why she's this upset.

"What's wrong Zoe?" She looks to me and I see tears in her eyes. "Zoe?!" I quickly get of the couch and give her a hug. "I just remembered walking into the apartment, his eyes were red of crying, his face was wet of the tears. I saw the sadness in his eyes. It was so genuine. I can't forget it."

I squeeze her a bit. "Why get I even emotional?" She laughs a bit and I let her go slowly. "That's alright Zoe." I feel weird to know this now, to know the other side of the story. I feel sorry for him now. "Well, to make a long story short, in the end he accepted he wasn't able to let you go. Even when he tried he wasn't able to. This were his words, literally;"

"I can't get her of my mind, I'm so stupid that I fell for her again. I just like her too much. How can I feel so much love for someone who doesn't even likes me?"

And I told him you might liked him and he told me; It doesn't matter if she likes me back or not, I'm in love with her anyway. And believe me, that says a lot,"

"He has chosen for you."

"You can be as 'imperfect' as you want, he won't let you go. He fell for you and he will do anything to keep you. Believe me." I'm a little overwhelmed by this all and I don't know what to say. Zoe is looking so questionable I need to say something. "But what if.." I get a lump in my throat. I can barely speak. "What if he finds someone better?" I say with a high pitched voice and a lot of effort.

"He won't. He's maybe even more scared to lose you than you are. Do you trust me?" I nod slowly. "Well believe me, he won't leave you, he seriously won't." I put some food in my mouth to distract myself. "You should trust him more. Trust him when he says he loves you. Trust him when he says he won't let you go."

She puts her empty plate on the table and grabs her phone. "What are you going go do Zoe?" I ask a bit worried. "Calling Joe." I don't say anything but I'm not so sure if this is what I want. I feel weird as I feel nervous to hear his voice even though he's my boyfriend. "Believe what he says and trust him alright?" I nod a bit and a second later I hear Joe's voice out of Zoe's phone.

"Hey broseph!" She laughs and Joe greets Zoe as well. "Joe? Would you mind to answer some of my questions?" He's quiet for a moment. "This isn't a prank or a video, is it?" Zoe laughs and shakes her head. I feel weird now I know so much more, he had been crying about me.

"No! I promise, no I'm just wondering.." I put my plate on the table as well and listen. "I just talked to Kayla about the past three days and I wanted to know a few things, just say a quick answer alright?" He's quiet for a moment. "Sure."

"Do you like Kayla?"

"Would you cheat on her?"
"Of course not."

"Would you mind to get to know Kayla's imperfections?"
"I would love to."

"Would you treat her different afterwards?"
"I will love her as much."

"Do you love her?"
"Yes obviously."

"Would you leave her for someone better?"

I 'know' his answer already but I'm still pretty nervous, what if he says something else to Zoe. He doesn't know I'm listening as well. I wait for him to answer. This moment probably lasts for a few seconds but it feels like hours.


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