Muffin 🧁

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Chapter 14

(Author's Note: Woah, I am fourteen chapters into this book now, and I finally wrote a chapter in Milo's POV. Also, I know that the emoji in the chapter title is a cupcake. Do not bash me for it. 😳)

Milo's POV:

Ah, yesterday was my birthday. The past events that have taken place in my life so far have been incredible. It has been too- incredible. I am very suspicious of it. I could sense that my life was gradually disintegrating away when I did not find my dear socks this morning as I was getting prepared for school.

I jerked my thick textbooks out of my locker with a heaving sigh. Man, I hate school.

As instantly I glanced down the corridor, there came the zenith of my existence.


His jet-black hair was side-swept on his forehead. His skinny black jeans tightly hugged his waist. And his turquoise Armani t-shirt brought out his glistening gunmetal eyes.

My staring was rudely interrupted, though, as I was unexpectedly harshly yanked by my wrist into the boy's bathroom. "AGH!" I yelled out.

"So, you are the famous, Milo, huh?" A voice stated madly. As I looked up to see who my so-called kidnapper was. I met with Tristian's cold compost eyes.

"Um, how do you know even know me?" I asked him hesitantly. Tristian, what the hell does he want from me?

"Do not fucking ask me how I know you." He asserted angrily. Sheesh, rude much? I was sort of terrified if he was going to hit me. It brought back flashbacks to Hudson beating me.

God, how is no one in the bathroom at this time?

"Listen to me, and listen to me well, Milo." He grumbled in a heavy smoker voice.

"Blake is mine. He is not yours, you little whore." He asserted very confidently as he smirked at me.

"Aw, shucks, are you kidding me? I mean, my hickey says otherwise." I replied innocently. I stared consecutively into his eyes as I did so.

"Also, Mr. Sexual-assaulter. I will have you know that Blake is not yours. He might be when you wank off to him. But, in reality, he is MINE." I argued, looking him up and down in utter resentment.

As I said that statement, his face drained of all-apparent-color. "H-how did you know about that? Did he tell you?" Tristian stuttered out in extensive shock.

"Do not ask me how I know about that," I answered back as I used his own words against him.

"Ugh, whatever that was in the past. Blake is over it, I think. Anyways, I saw you two all kissy-kissy in the mall yesterday. For the record, no one wants to see you two devour each other's face up." He let out in disdain as he stepped closer to me.

"I bet you are only using him for his money. Hell, I would too. But that is not the point. I have loved him since the beginning. And I love him more than you ever will." He rambled on and on. It was frankly disgusting.

"You are a low-life scum that does not deserve him. Now, if you will move aside and quit obstructing the entrance, I have to be on my way to class." I announced calmly.

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