Hell ⚠️

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Chapter 17

⚠️ Warning: Smut. Sexually explicit content ahead in this chapter. ⚠️ Seventeen chapters in, and I finally write it.

Blake's POV:

*Time skip to Milo's household.*

"So, do you want to play NBA-2K or something with me?" Milo asked, not knowing what to do. He plopped down onto his queen-sized bed, turning on his television to connect the gaming setup.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Hand me a controller," I agreed, smiling. I placed my hand out as I settled down next to him on the bed.

"Ugh, you are a fucking cunt." I announced in fury as he beat me already in this tournament only a few minutes into this game.

"You are just angry that I am better at this game than you are. I may be a gay twink, but that does not mean that I can not shoot some hoops." He asserted, jeering me. I shook my head in discontent as I muttered profanities to myself.

"Mhm, Blake. I am getting kind of sleepy right about now," Milo mumbled as he slouched-down on my shoulder. I lifted my arm for his upper body to lay in my lap, and then I lightly put my arm back on his chest, enclosing him. I gazed down upon him lying in my lap, admiring his beauty for a bit. I shortly went back to getting lost in the video game realm.

After some time, Milo shifted out of my position and sat upright on the bed. "It is hot in here. Don't
you think so too, Blake?" He said out of nowhere. I glimpsed at him sideways, and his facial expression appeared as if he was a cat in heat.

"Hm, no. It is not that hot," I mumbled confusedly. It was the end of Autumn right now. Is he going through menopause? Yeah, that seems like a very logical explanation.

He pulled off his shirt effortlessly, without any struggle this time. Since I was closer to him, I could see that his slender stomach, dotted with tiny light brown moles. They resembled the freckles on his face. I craved to kiss every one of them.

"Hey, babe. Can I ask you for a small favor?" Milo whispered in my right ear as he loomed nearer to me.

"Um, sure?" I murmured hesitantly. What the hell kind of small favor does he have in mind? I was getting nervous at the second.

"I want to feel you inside of me. Can you do that for me?" He whimpered innocently into my ear. Ogling consecutively into my eyes as he confessed that statement to me.

I got taken aback. Direct much?
"I-I what now?" I stammered, tossing the gaming controller in complete shock onto a beanbag chair that was in the corner of the room.

"Milo, listen, um, I do not think that is such a good idea," I explained, backing away from him. Only to be lightly pushed headfirst into the mattress as he climbed on top of my body.

"Aw, why not? You told me that I am an independent man now and that I can do whatever I want. And what I want is you." He let out, utilizing my phrases against me. Ah, shit. I internally smacked myself.

He trailed down my arm with his soft fingertips. I quivered from such contact. I do not know if it was good shivers or dangerous shivers. Or maybe it was even both, who knows?

"I-I um I know that I did say that but uh, what if we are going to fast with this? Sex is a powerful thing." I declared, gazing at the mocha-colored hardwood floor, not wanting to meet his eyes as I retained my hands to myself for now.

"Oh, Blake. We have been dating for a month. I believe that is more than enough time that has passed." He responded as he bit his plump bottom lip. He rocked his body closer to mine if that was even possible.

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