Bliss ✨

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Chapter 20

Blake's POV:

I was sitting here on the ground for such a long time that it was almost nightfall. I did not want to go back to my shitty life.

After minutes of constant deliberation, I decided to take a ferry to go to Reverie River. Weird, I know. But, something inside of me told me that I need to go there for some reason.

I scrounged some loose change out of my jeans pocket. Hmm, let us hope that it could be enough for an inexpensive ferry boat ticket.

*Time skip to the Reverie River.*

I flashed a smile at the gorgeous foamy sea. A subtle salty breeze was in the air. Only a few people were here as it was evening. The essence felt right.
It was like I got stuck in some cliché anecdote. I took out my Marlboro cigarette along with my cheap gas station lighter from out of my sweater pocket.

"Fuck. Didn't I just buy this shit?" I mumbled as my lighter did not give light.

"Aha!" I cried out in happiness as I got a flame finally working.

I eagerly settled my cigarette in my mouth as I lit it. Not even one drag and the wind put my light out. "OH, FUCK YOU!" I shouted angrily at the sudden gust of air as it put out my cigarette-light.

"Fine, Mr. Wind, if you do not like acoustic, we will go electric then," I muttered as I pulled a Tangerine Puffbar out of my pocket. I always have to be prepared for my reckless addictions. Let us hope that I still had a few more hits in this thing left.

I was idling, so of course, I began speaking to the ocean like the mad man that I am. "Hey, Mr. Ocean. I have not seen you for a hot minute," I said, chuckling a bit.

"Well, pal, how are you doing?" I raised a question to Mr. Ocean.

The ocean was tranquil in utter serenity.

"Okay, then. Not much of a talker, are we? It is fine." I announced as I took a long drag of my vape, inhaling it into my lungs and leaving some to rest in my mouth.

"I just found out that my boyfriend cheated on me. So that sucks ass." I confided as the smoke emitted out of my mouth as I spoke. I savored the yummy tangerine chemicals that I was inhaling and exhaling.

The ocean rumbled in response.

"I know, right. It is good to see that you agree with me on this too." I said as I glanced around to see if anyone was gawking at me.

"You know, I never liked you, Mr. Ocean. But, now, you are getting on my good side." I confessed as I winked sexily at the ocean.

Unexpectedly, the tides came up and knocked my vape right out of my hands, drenching my clothing in the process as well.

"I recant my previous statement about you. I do not care about my clothes. But, that vape was twelve dollars, you fuck. Do you know how much that is? No, of course, you do not. You are an ocean." I shouted as I raised my fist in outrage.

"Or is this the universe's sign of advising me to quit smoking?" I asked myself.

The ocean roared once again.

"Noted," I said simply.

God, am I getting crazy? Yeah, perhaps. I just wish to drown. Drown into this ocean and get lost in the tough-tidal waves. I hope that my body will never get found. No one will even miss me anyway. Why should I be living in a lie? I sat down criss-cross on the sand, awfully close to the sea. "Do your worst," I whispered as I closed my eyes.

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