Good Side 🌺

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Chapter 9

Blake's POV:

I was scrolling through the application, Instagram, just looking at pictures of hot men. One thing led to another, and I ended up on Milo's profile somehow. I saw that he had deleted all of his pictures with Hudson in it. I smirked mentally. I honest to God thought that Hudson truly loved Milo, and what he did shocked me to the core. Well, I reckon that looks can be deceiving.

Milo is typing-...-

Milo: Hey. Blake. Do you want to go and work on piecing together the album project today with me sometime? 9:21 A.M.

Oh damn it, I almost forgot about that album project. It was due soon.

Me: Good morning. Sure thing b. What time and where? 9:21 A.M.

Milo: Uh, how about the Saffron Cafe in about thirty minutes? 9:23 A.M.

I audibly laughed out loud when I saw that text message.
Saffron Cafe was notorious for having the hottest boys working there. Oh, he knows what he was doing, suggesting that we should go there.

Me: Okay, then. You got it. See you soon.
;) 9:23 A.M.

I already showered, so that was one thing less to do. I went over to my wardrobe, and I put on an Armani black hoodie, grey Nike joggers, and white Nike AF1's.
I ran a hand through my abominable bed hair. I did not bother fixing it.

I decided to go for a run, so that was what I ended up doing for my transportation. Long story short, it was difficult.

"Ah, shit." I groaned out of breath while holding my stomach as I got to the Saffron Cafe in just under fifteen minutes.

I lifted my armpits to sniff them discreetly. "Nope, we are all good," I announced to no one in particular. If someone sees me, they might assume that I am a madman talking to myself.

My fingers tingled as I touched the cold metal bars to open the cafe door. I was looking all around for Milo until I saw his fluffy head of hair sitting at one of the roundabout grey booths.

I went up behind him quietly, trying to suppress my laughter before scaring the gay right out of him. "Boo bitch! Aww, look at you wearing my sweater. You look so cute." I gushed in admiration. He was still wearing my sweater from yesterday. I could strip all of my clothes off right now, and just seeing him would warm me right up.

"I like it a lot. It is so warm, and it smells amazing. Thank you again for it, Blake." A rosy pink blush cascade upon his face.

Milo still had the faint scars that Hudson had created on his porcelain face. I could tell that he tried to cover it up with some concealer. But, some things would never go away. They would always be a part of you, no matter what.

"So uh Milo, did you finally break up with Hudson yet?" I asked as I took a seat across from him at the booth, gazing at his slender fingers that were toying with the ends of his brown Micheal Kors wooly scarf.

"Y-Yeah, I did, well over text message, of course. For the rest of the day, he kept coming over to my house and banging on the door. My mother was about to beat him with her baseball bat." Milo let out a slight chuckle as he looked out of the glass window at the people that passed by, minding their own business.

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