47 Freckles 🌸

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Chapter 21

⚠️ Warning: Smut. There is going to be sexually explicit content ahead in this last chapter of this book. ⚠️

Blake's POV:

Milo and I were currently cuddling up concurrently in my bed. My mother and my father finally departed for their months-long business voyage. So, I had the household alone for myself. If I had spent one more day with the homophobes, I would have Snapped right there in an instant.

My mother was arguing on and on the other day about how gays are not-normal. And as for my closeted bisexual father, he still would not own up to his shit. But he did settle down from all of the name-callings that he used to say to me before. Ah, I reckon that some individuals will never change.

Milo was playing his Soundcloud playlist of music on my speaker, and that was when the song, Oh! Carol, by Neil Sedaka, came on. A wide smile appeared on my face as I recalled a particular instance. "Yo, Milo. Do you remember this song? I mean, like the specific day that you were playing this song?" I inquired as he put on his hard-thinking expression.

He shook his head no, along with a perplexed smile plastered upon his pretty porcelain face.

"Well, this was the same song that you were playing on your phone when I first approached you on the first day of school," I replied as he made an O-shape with his mouth.

"Oh, damn. Seriously? Wait, oh yeah. I remember it now. You came up to me and told me that you liked my music choice." He answered back as he giggled.

"Yeah. I had to put away my severe case of shyness just to man-up and have a conversation with you." I said as I shook my head in embarrassment while he maintained his snickering.

"Can you give me a draw of your cigarette, Blake?" He asserted as he held out his hand towards my direction.

"Sure thing," I said as I passed my cigarette towards his way.

He took the cigarette gracefully from my fingers, and he settled it between his pointer and middle fingers. He inhaled it slightly as he blew it out of his mouth soon after. Some smoke came out of his nose due to his French inhalation stunt.

He made an ambiguous expression and passed me back my cigarette. "Yeah, no. I like drinking alcohol way better than smoking. Here, you can have your cancer stick back." He confessed as he grimaced with utter-revulsion. He dramatically pretended to puke.

Now, it was my turn to scowl at him. "Ugh. I am by far offended by your outrageous and inaccurate statement. You can go drink your bottles of piss and poison elsewhere then." I announced as I shooed him away with my hand dramatically.

He pouted and whimpered as he attempted to snuggle further into my pectorals. I reached over on my raven-colored nightstand table to put out my cigarette on the baby blue ashtray.

"Hey, Muffin. I want to ask you a question if it is okay with you. What did you assume of me when you first met me?" I asked as I hastily waited for a response from him.

He paused for a moment, and then he began to open his mouth to speak his mind. "Well, to be honest. I thought that you were stunning as hell when you approached me. For like a good second, I was thinking to myself, is he talking to me? Then I glanced around the room. And I was like, oh yeah. He is talking to me." He confessed as he grinned.

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