Chapter 73: Just like you

Start from the beginning

"T-thank you for telling me, Midoriya..."

"Y-yo-you're not mad?!"

"I just need some time to collect my thoughts... Exscuse me." I said, making my way back into the dorms and rushing upstairs.

As soon as I got back, I cried. I think some of it was because I would be away from her for so long, but also because I know she's in danger, and I can't do anything.

How did I survive before I met her?

My love...

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"So... You're just like me..?" Eri asked.

I was hugging her, while stroking her hair. She had gotten much more relaxed and seems to accept me more. Especially after I told her about my past.

"Yes. Now, what's happening to you?"

She clutched my shirt and started to shake.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I have an idea anyway."



"W- will you stay with me? Will you protect me?"

"Yes. I will stay. Since I know that your being abused, I as much as I have the overwhelming urge to, can't stop that right now. I'll heal you though. I can do that thanks to my quirk as well."



"C-Can I have something...?"

"Anything. Just tell me."

"There's this bear I saw... I want it... I think I have a picture somewhere..."

I let go of her as she went to her bedside table and grabbed a picture. She handed it to me.

I chuckled a bit at the sleeping bag

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I chuckled a bit at the sleeping bag. It reminded me of a certain strong hobo.

I took the picture as reference, and started moving my hand in the shape. It was done within seconds. I handed the bear to her, which she held a bit far away at first, but after realizing it wasn't water, brought it to her chest and gave it a hard squeeze.

She's so cute!

"T-thank you..."

"No problem. Also, when your dad comes in, you should probably hide it. I'll just become a mouse again."

"H-he's not my dad..."

"Oh. That must've been a cover-up then?"

"Mhmm." Eri hummed, before yawning.

"Do you want to take a nap?"

Eri nodded. I hopped off of her bed, lifted her blankets and gently layed them over her. I pat her head.

"Goodnight, Eri."

"Nye nye, (Y/n)..."

Aight, time to look around.

I shifted into a gecko this time. They can stick to smooth suffices, so it would be perfect for getting around here.

I grabbed my tiny reciever and put a little waypoint on the map. I back tracked the path. She was in a room for an hour.

Guess I'll go there.

~Time Skip~

It may have taken a half an hour with my smol legs, but I finally got here. I was on the right wall.

Guess I should take some pictures for Sir. Oh, and when I get back, I should grab my phone and text Shou...



I'm so selfish! I was just like 'yEs IlL sAvE tHiS gUrL wItHoUt AnY bAcKuP oR pLaN.' I didn't even tell Shou where I was!

Oh, he's going to be destroyed when I get back.

Focus, Focus (Y/n)! We'll leave that for future me, but right now, you have to take some photos and look at stuffs.

As I went to the roof and made a camera to take a picture, I noticed that this looked like an operating room that the villains used on me... To .. try.. and.. clone .. me...

I need to find out what Eri's quirk is, cause that will make everything easier.

I noticed a counter in the back. I walked down and up onto the counter. On top was a black case.

I opened it. A pair of 5 thumb tack looking things were inside. Wait, they look more like bullets with a small syringe.

I sniffed them.

Blood. Human... blood...

Oh no...

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