Important Announcement!

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Hallo my lovelies! I'm so so sorry but I have come to a decision...

I will be discounting this book.

It makes me very VERY sad to have to do this, but as of right now, I have 0 inspiration, and for THIS specific book, I'm facing inescapable writers block. Also, due to the way I'm writing it, it takes FOREVER to post 1 chapter, and I have a new and improved system.

So I'm very sorry, however I do have good news I would like to get to in a moment!

The reasons I decided to discontinue are as following:

My schedule is getting vv long, with my School's State testing coming up, more hw adding up, swim, and just overall more stress

No more passion for this book

Chapters take way too long. If I didn't have to script and just went off the top of my head, we'd be done back in last year.

I'm already planning a book in mind (won't be from MHA fandom) and I am vv excited to write it, as it will be shorter, and thanks to new  experience, will be a much better quality!

Alright now that the reasons are out of the way, you might be wondering what book I have planned next...

Drumroll please...

A Genshin Impact fanfic...

Xiao x Reader!

Yup, another x reader, I can't help myself :P

Genshin has become a big thing in my life since Fall and I'm addicted. I know a lot of lore and have an original idea for a plot as well! I know most of you aren't familiar with Genshin, so just know it's an open world RPG with great graphics and char design, plus it's free for PC, mobile, PS4, (hopefully) Nintendo Switch and PS5!

Anyway, here's the cutie (Y/n) will be romancing in the book for those unfamiliar:

Anyway, here's the cutie (Y/n) will be romancing in the book for those unfamiliar:

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

My man's like 5'2 - 5'4 and his personality is that of a cat and I love him.

I hope to see those that are interested in his book! Most likely coming out once I have a stress free day or 2!

Btw the title, plot, characters, (Y/n) char design are all planned out, so it's just a matter of writing it!

Until next time my lovelies!

I Will Protect You {Todoroki X Reader!}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin