Chapter 8: SCHS vs BKRA

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The teams got their weapons and changed into their battle outfits and headed over to the front gate. On the way there Tinuviel and Shizue met up with Doctor Sung and Commander Meouch, Cobalt was outside too, "Hey guys, just so you know, the other students have been making bets on who'd win" "Hi Meouch! Oh, and you too, Doctor Sung!" Shizue waved, "Hey there cutie. I thought I'd let you in on a secret" Meouch winked as he walked up to her, "Oh really? Who did they bet on?" Tinuviel asked, "O-oh?" Shizue blushed brightly as Meouch walked over to her, "It's not good in your favor, you guys have abyssal odds as 90% of students believe that BKRA will beat you " Cobalt said, "Hopefully you can turn the tide" "I'm sure with the help of two sexual beings you guys will have a better chance" Sung said seductively yet jokingly at the same time. "My semblance basically hypnotises females for about thirty seconds. I suggest you take these so that you can actually fight still" Meouch handed Shizue some earplugs. "You'll know when to put them in when I thrust my hips, it's a strange semblance I know" "Oh, I see. Thank you!" Shizue smiled, "Not like you need to activate your semblance for her to like you anyway Meech..." Sung mumbled, Shizue squealed as she went bright red, "Shut up Seven Eleven!" Meouch blushed under his mask, "A-anyways! Are we going to begin the battle soon?" Shizue said to her team. "No wonder our odds are good, the other team just fight with each other" Raven said. "Now now, it's time for your battle, this way please" Glynda said. "Good Luck!" Cobalt called out, Shizue turned to Raven "We only just became a team today since two of our original team mates are... ahem, Out of Commission" "We aren't fighting. It's friendly banter" Meouch added.

The teams were lead to their arena: A landscape surrounded by ancient ruins, it was also raining, making any fire based moves or semblances less powerful "Okay, a 2nd Year Team vs a 3rd Year Team. I wish both of you best of luck. Prepare yourselves" Glynda said to the teams

"3..." Glynda started.

Meouch and Sung stretched out their muscles and started up their instruments, Tinuviel stretched as well


"This should be good" Bailey said.


Shizue practiced opening a pocket dimension and closing it, then opening it again before she pulled out her fishing rod


Sung just stood there, hands on his hips just smiling not saying anything, he turned to Meouch and nodded. Meouch nodded back and pluged in his bass to his shoes that had hidden speakers in them and started playing quite loud. Kokoda sprinted up to Shizue and slashed her with her axe, Kokoda's axe successfully hit Shizue, she stumbled and fell over, A decent hit, but not overtly powerful, Shizue got back up and swung her fishing rod at Kokoda, attempting to tie her up to bring her toward her teammates since she wasn't very good at attacking.

Shizue flung Kokoda across the battlefield toward her teammates, before retracting her fishing rod, "Ow!" Kokoda said, "I'm so sorry cuz" Ash said as she swiped her pugil stick into Tinuviel's mask, half-strength was Ash's hit. Tinuviel was hit, but not enough to take him to the floor, Tinuviel went to shoot out webs to grab Ash closer to him.

Unfortunately his webs clogged up in his gauntlets and rendered them useless until he cleaned them. Bailey's longswords glowed purple, using gravity dust, she threw one sword into a wall, then gravitated the other sword to fly to the walled sword, while holding on, she attempted to fly-kick Sung, With modest success, Bailey flew to the other sword, while hitting Sung in the legs, sweeping him off his feet. Sung landed on his side, posing seductively as if it was meant to happen, Bailey attached to the wall, watching the battle before planning her next move, Meouch approached Kokoda going in for a punch to the stomach, Unfortunately he wasn't aware of his surroundings and tripped over. Luckily he wasn't harmed and got back up.

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