Chapter 5: New Knowledge

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New characters are introduced in this chapter, head to the Character profiles to learn about them.

The holidays had finally ended. Everyone had made it back to the gates of Beacon and were now entering the school grounds. "So, did you like staying at my place, Tin?" Hikari asked, "Yes I did actually. Felt nice to have a family again... Uh, you know what I mean" Tinuviel said nervously.

Not long afterward, Akira walked in, he looked fine, but was in some pain, it was unnoticeable until he turned around. Everyone saw what was wrong; Akira had a moderate cut on his face. "Dude... What happened?" Tinuviel asked, worried about Akira, "A fight broke out in Menagerie..." Akira said quietly, "Woah..." Hikari said. "Oh no. What exactly happened though?" Tinuviel asked, "Some guy walked in and wanted to fight someone, I was his chosen one..." Akira explained, "He walked in, pointed to me then aimed his knife at me. I was able to fight back, but he got me with his knife, and now I have this" Akira said, pointing at the cut. "Why though? Why did he fight you?" Tinuviel asked, "How can I put it? Menagerie has been going through... issues" Akira said, "So I've heard. Just glad I'm not there any more" Tinuviel sighed, "Neither me, nor my mum knew the extent of Menagerie's issues" Akira said, "How bad is it?" Tinuviel said, referring to Akira's injury. Hikari mumbled under his breath "Kinda glad I didn't grow up there like most faunus..." 

"It's kinda deep, but It's fine. But don't touch it, it's still a bit tender..." Akira answered Tinuviel's question, "Unfortunately I grew up there... And we won't touch your face man" Tinuviel said with a small smile, "You guys won't, but what about other teams?" Akira said slightly nervously, "That would be kinda awkward if they did..." Hikari said, "I don't know. Don't piss off Nate and I'm sure she won't do it out of spite" Tinuviel said, "That's difficult to not piss Nate off" Akira sighed, "Just say "Hi" and leave her alone I guess" Tinuviel shrugged, "Yeah, I guess you're right" Akira said.

"Speaking of Nate, where is she? Where's everyone else?" Tinuviel asked. Kyuu suddenly appeared behind Hikari "I'm here." Hikari squealed like a little girl, "Charcoal and Cobalt are here, they're just speaking with a teacher at the moment" Akira said. Nate walked into the school with team SSHMPN. Her hands were over her ears as the team were shouting and being loud because they were excited to be back.

Shizue walked over to everyone with her hands behind her back, "Morning everyone!" She said happily, "Hey Shizue. How was your time off?" Tinuviel smiled although he was wearing his mask again, so no one could see him smile. Shizue laughed, "I didn't get any time off!" "Me neither actually. I trained the entire time... Not that you can tell. I look the same" Tinuviel laughed too.

"You looked great before are you look great now!" Shizue asked, "Shizue, can you read my mind?" Hikari asked, "No, why?" Shizue asked, "I was gonna say the same thing" Hikari said"Thanks, I do feel like I have gained more muscle though" Tinuviel said, "Now, we should all probably head into school" Shizue said, "Yeah!" Hikari cheered. "Nate is already there with SSHMPN. They really are odd friends aren't they?" Tinuviel said, "Basically everyone else is here... but Cobalt and..." Hikari started to think for a second, "Charcoal." Kyuu finished, Hikari screamed because he completely forgot that Kyuu was there again. "Let's go. Ozpin is waiting for us" Tinuviel said to the group, Charcoal and Cobalt returned from speaking with a teacher. "Kyuu, why do you sneak up on me all the time?" Hikari asked, "Because you scream like a girl and it's funny." Kyuu smirked.

"Let's go! Like I said Ozpin is waiting. I bet he is gonna tell us that this year will be harder then last year" Tinuviel rolled his eyes, "Meh, I love a good challenge" Akira said, "Same" Tinuviel agreed, "Well, what are we waiting for?" Cobalt asked. The students made their way into the hall where the rest of the students were. When in the hall, they all looked around to see all the new students and previous/current students. Off to the left in the far back, they spotted two huge looking dudes. They looked like they were similar height to Tinuviel at that distance. 

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