Chapter 42: The Trip Back

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Nate and Pickles were now heading to Atlas Hospital with Ironwood and Jessica on board after the events of that night. "It's okay Hikari. We need to be strong for Nate, okay?" Tinuviel said softly. Hikari cried into Tinuviel's chest, Tinuviel rubbed Hikari's back, Hikari hugged Tinuviel tightly, "We should go back inside. We should comfort everyone else as well" Tinuviel said. Hikari nodded shakily, trying not to get snot all over Tinuviel chest. Tinuviel picked up Hikari and cradled him in his arms as they walked back into the cafeteria.

Sakura stood in the cafeteria, watching everyone, "Good, you're back. Now, it's time for you guys to head to bed, I know it'll be tough, but you'll need your sleep, because you're heading back to your own academies in the morning" she said. "Understood" Tinuviel nodded.

Everyone headed to bed, most of them struggled to sleep due to the events of that night, especially Teams ASRN, SCHS, and SPHR. But eventually, they fell asleep.

The next day, everyone was woken up by the voice of Ironwood. "Good morning everyone, the exchange has come to an end. I hope you've made some new friends during the week and sized out possible competition for the Vytal Festival. Now it's time to make the long journey back to your own academies, pack up all of your belongings and head into the cafeteria, further instructions will follow."

"I guess we better get going" Tinuviel said, "Yeah, okay..." Hikari said sleepily, "You okay Hikari?" Shizue, "I... I didn't sleep at all last night" Hikari explained, "Me neither" Tinuviel agreed. "I think I got 20 minutes, tops" Charcoal said, "I didn't get any at all, too many thoughts about Nate..." Akira said softly. "I wonder how Team SSHMPN are doing... Especially Sung, he's the closest to her" Tinuviel asked, "We might see them in the cafeteria and we can ask them there" Charcoal said, "Good idea, I'm starving" Tinuviel said.

Everyone headed into the cafeteria, most students were in there with all their bags and suitcases. Sung was standing with the rest of Team SSHMPN, "Sung, are you okay dude? You aren't even wearing your usual clothes... Why are you in a Hawaiian shirt?" Danny looked confused. "Nate got me this shirt for my birthday one year, I've only worn it once..." Sung said solemnly, "Oh.. You know she'll be okay yeah? She's the most stubborn person any of us have ever met" Danny smiled a little, "She'll be kicking our butts again in no time dude" Meouch smiled, "I don't know, she looked really bad" Sung said, "She'll be okay. I just know it" Phobos said, Havve and Ninja Brian nodded in agreement.

Ironwood walked into the cafeteria, "Alright, Haven Academy students, the airships are here to take you guys first, say your goodbyes and head out to the landing bay" he said. Amy ushered to the rest of Team STAK, "Come on guys, let's go" she said, "Crap, already? Aw well!" Knuckles walked over to Tinuviel and punched his arm, "I'm sure your Buddy will be fine! See you around! Hope we can throw hands at the Vytal Festival!" he smiled, "Thanks, she's a tough egg. See ya around in the future" Tinuviel smiled, "Knux, C'mon!" Sonic called out, already out the door, "Whelp, later!" Knuckles ran out to his team after jokingly saluting to everyone.

Team AGUA turned to Akira, "Well, that's us Akira" Grenadine hugged Akira "Let us know how Nate goes okay?" she smiled, "I will. I'm so glad I got to see you guys again" Akira smiled back, "Us too, hang in there, it'll be okay" Amarillo smiled as well, "Thanks guys, I'll see you in a few months" Akira said, "Bye Akira" Grenadine said, "See you round" Amarillo said. Team AGUA left the cafeteria with hopes and prayers for Nate's health.

10 minutes later, Ironwood walked back into the cafeteria, "Alright, Shade Academy students, your turn, say your goodbyes and head outside" he announced. "It was so nice meeting you all, I do apologise for all the trouble Guts has caused, and I'm so sorry about Nate... I hope she's okay" Bouddicca said, "I had a blast! Can't wait to fight everyone in the festival! Bye!" Tank sprinted out of the room, Guts walked out without saying anything. "Bye Hikari, thank you for being my friend" Bernadetta said softly, "See ya, Berns... take care of yourself, okay?" Hikari held his arms open to hug Bernadetta, she ran into Hikari's arms, hugging him tightly. "Bye Shizue, it was awesome to meet you!" Asuna smiled brightly, "Bye Asuna, we'll keep in touch, I'm sure!" Shizue smiled back.

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