Chapter 23: The Stress After The Storm

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"Now students, is everyone okay? Line up in school groups, then by teams. We need to make sure everyone is here." Ozpin said to everyone in the amphitheater, "Shade Academy students to me please" Selkie said. "Haven Academy to me please" Sakura said, "Beacon to me please" Ozpin added, "And Atlas Academy just in front of me" Glynda finished. "You heard them, let's go" Cobalt said. Akira struggled to walk properly and find his team, "We gotta make sure we let all the teachers know about everyone who went to the medbay" Tinuviel said, "It's okay Tin, the nurses in there will let us know everyone who's there" Sakura reassured. "Okay!" Tinuviel said.

"Where's my team?! I can't find them!" Akira said, he was getting desperate. "Everyone is in the infirmary, Akira..." Shizue said. "What? No. They can't be..." Akira said. Most of SSHMPN was there, Ninja Brian and Danny were unaccounted for. "Nate is with Hikari and Charcoal" Shizue said. "That means... I'm alone in my team... I don't think I can handle being without them..." Akira looked really sad.

"Alright, everyone's in place. Roll call, starting with Beacon Academy" Ozpin started, "Team ASRN. Akira Hiromasa." "Present" Akira said sadly. "Hikari, Charcoal and Nate are in the infirmary" Ozpin said. Many students looked over at Team ASRN's misfortune, most looked sympathetic to Akira's situation, "Ouch, almost a team wipe..." Mary Kate said. "Team SCHS. Shizue Currosin." Ozpin said, "Here!" Shizue called out, "Team SCHS. Cobalt Marseille." "Present" Cobalt said, "Team SCHS. Tinuviel Harding." "Here Professor Ozpin!" Tinuviel said, "Kyuu is in the infirary" Ozpin said.

Ozpin went through the rest of the Beacon students, "That makes 43 students in the infirmary." he finished, "Professor Oz! We haven't heard anything from Danny or Ninja Brian!" Sung called out, "And 2 missing... Someone go find them!" "Haven Academy. Team AGUA. It looks like you're all here" Sakura said, "Barely..." Amarillo objected. "We'll go look! Come on guys!" Sung said, the rest of the team all followed him. Sakura finished Haven Academy's roll call, "Okay, that makes 17 students in the infirmary. And 0 missing"

Glynda started next, "Atlas Academy. Team SPHR. Doom Slayer." Doom raised his arm covered in Grimm blood and some of his own. "Pickles" "Present" he responded, "Honey Primrose Daffodil" "Present!" she shouted, "And Jessica Rabbit" "I'm here" she said. Glynda finished a few minutes later, "Alright, only 3 in the infirmary and 0 missing"

As Selkie started to go through the Shade Academy students. Akira started to break down. "I can't stand being without my teammates. I feel so alone, and I don't even know if they're doing okay..." "Hey... it's okay!" Shizue tried to comfort Akira, "But is it really?! Charcoal's out cold, Nate had her arms badly burnt, and Hikari got thrown by a giant Grimm. There's no way of knowing if they're truly okay. and there's so many people in there that no-one's allowed to see them, I'm stuck waiting here, unsure if they'll even be the same again!" Akira couldn't take it anymore, he started crying in front of Team SCHS. "I feel alone without my teammates, they're like a family to me... And now I'm the only one here!"

"Hey!" Shizue grabbed Akira's hands, "It's going to be okay! You know why?" "Why...?" Akira said through his tears, "Because they wouldn't just give up after one battle! You're a team, they wouldn't leave you behind like that!" Shizue said. "But you don't understand! This is exactly what happened to my village when I was younger. This is how my father died!" Akira broke down even more. Shizue froze; She was at a loss for words. "Akira! Pull yourself together!! I don't have a family either! Your team are our friends too! We want to see them too and we are worried about them, we are your friends too ya know" Tinuviel said. "I know that! This Grimm attack is bringing up traumatising memories for me! I witnessed my father die in front of my eyes, I saw many of my friends and neighbors die! There's nothing left of the village I called home! And now some people here could be dead too!" Akira ran out of the amphitheater crying. Sakura ran after him, dropping everything she was doing.

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