Chapter 15: Truth or Spar? Part I

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"I've been training a lot since our last battle, I hope I do better... I have to do better" Tinuviel said, "I'm so excited to finally get a chance to fight!" Cobalt said.

Ozpin was standing in the amphitheater, "Good afternoon students. We will be sparring each other, one on one. If you wish to participate, please scan the symbol here with your scroll to enter the draw" Ozpin said. "I'd rather not" Nate huffed. "Why did you come then?" Tinuviel asked, "Cause I wanted to! Why do you have to ask so many questions!?" Nate snapped.

"Remember, how well you spar can have an influence on qualifying for the Vytal Festival this year." Ozpin said. "I'm ready to fight whoever" Tinuviel said, "Hey Tin! I'll spar with you!" Noi smiled and cracked her knuckles. Tinuviel gulped in slight fear "Y... Yeah... Let's go..." 

"Alright, 5 more minutes of entry time, then we'll begin." Ozpin said, "Not all entrants will get a chance to spar today, but they will get a chance tomorrow" "I'm going to register, I'll be back" Akira said. "Miss Explosion, could you come with me please? Ozpin needs to have a word with you" Sakura said to Nate. "Uh, yeah sure." Nate said, "This way, carefully" Sakura said, guiding Nate out of the amphitheater. 

Not long after, Akira came back, "Where'd Nate go?" "Professor Hiromasa took her I think" Tinuviel said, "What would my mother want with Nate?" Akira asked. "I have no idea, I wasn't listening. I'm more worried about my spar battle with Noi... She is gonna kill me isn't she??" Tinuviel said frantically. "Who said your sparring battle is guaranteed to be with Noi?" Charcoal asked. "I don't know... But I think it's gonna happen anyway..." Tinuviel sighed, "There's only one person I don't want to face, Shizue. I know she's on my team so it wouldn't happen, but I could never hurt her..." Cobalt said, "I wouldn't want to hurt anyone... but I would if I had to..." Shizue started, then stopped. "Honestly, I wouldn't wanna fight Havve... None of us know what his semblance is and he scares me... I mean look at his glowing red eyes other there..." Tinuviel said.

Meanwhile, Nate and Sakura arrived at Ozpin's office, "Alright Nate, please wait here for Ozpin, he'll announce the first duel, then make his way here to you" Sakura explained. "Can I listen to music in the mean time?" Nate asked, "Do whatever you need to pass the time, just don't burn anything" Sakura replied, "I won't" Nate agreed. Sakura headed back to the amphitheater.

Ozpin walked to the middle of the stage in the amphitheater, "Alright students. We are ready to begin our sparring duels. The matchups are randomly created, but there won't be  battles with two members of the same team. Our first matchup is... Noi Leigh of Team ELKK versus Tinuviel Harding of Team SCHS" 

Tinuviel was absolutely mortified. "Oh shit... Why me..." "Oh. My. God. You called it. In the worst possible way." Cobalt had one hand over his mouth, Hikari placed his hand on Tinuviel's shoulder, "Break a leg, I guess... well, not literally" he said. "Oh yeah! Nikaido! I get to fight Tin!!" Noi said excitedly, "Don't hurt him to much Noi, he's a second year, not a third" Nikaido told Noi, "I'm gonna die..." Tinuviel said nervously, "Be safe, Tin!" Shizue said. "Thanks..." Tinuviel said. 

"Now, I have some business to attend to, so Professor Sakura Hiromasa will referee the duels until I return." Ozpin said before leaving. "Alright Miss. Leigh and Mr. Harding, please head up to the stage" Sakura said, "Alright, don't panic... Remember your wrestling skills as well as training from here... Tinuviel thought to himself. "He'll be fine... We lived when we fought her" Meouch said to Cobalt. "You're probably right, but if he loses, he'll be in despair." Cobalt said to Meouch. "Yeah, I was the same. I got over it, he will too" Meouch replied. "Did you see him after our training? He gave HIMSELF detention, because he got out first. What'll he do if he loses this?!" Cobalt panicked. "I was in the medbay... I heard about it though.. Again I was the same" Meouch said. 

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