Chapter 35: Separation Anxiety

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Amarillo landed onto the ground, his wings covered in snow, he shook it all off and then started skipping through the snow, "This is great fun! I had a nice fly, and now I can beat some Grimm to death" Amarillo gave a slight manic laugh, "I wonder who I'll run into, hopefully someone cool and fun!" he continued to skip then stopped. Jessica was screaming close by to Amarillo, it sounded like she was in pain, but in reality, she just beat a Grimm to death with her high heel shoe. Amarillo walked over to Jessica, "Hey, I guess it's me and you now buddy. Let's go walking, you and me!" he smiled, "Oh, by the way, that Grimm kill was awesome, I hope we find some Grimm to kill!" he said. Jessica looked at Amarillo, "I don't have any weapons so my shoes and fists were my only option" she said placing her foot back into her shoe, then flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Cool! alright, let's go!" Amarillo said, "Yes, let's. I'm absolutely covered in this disgusting blood, yuck" Jessica and Amarillo started to walk.

Meanwhile, Akira landed near the ground by stabbing his scythe into a dead tree, from below, Kana looked in amazement, "Wow, that was cool! I'm Kana, looks like we're teammates now" he smiled, "Thanks, I'm Akira, nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll make a good team" Akira said, "Let's head out and find some Grimm" Kana said. Akira landed on the ground, "Yeah, this will be fun" The pair started to walk away as the tree Akira stabbed snapped in half and fell to the ground.

Guts was running through the forest looking for Bernadetta, with his sword in his right hand slicing through Grimm, when he spotted a small thin person in the distance. He approached them calling out for Bernadetta, then he stopped and realised it wasn't her, "Fuck..." he muttered under his breath. Nene turned on her heal and looked up to see Guts, "Shit uh..." Nene looked down and away, mumbling, "You aren't Rui" under her breath. "And you're not who I was looking for... Great..." Guts took his helmet off and looked around for Bernie. Nene cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Well, since you also appear to be looking for someone, why don't we pretend we never saw each other?" she said, then mumbled, "You don't appear to see much of anything anyways..." "As much as I'd rather be with someone I know, I unfortunately don't think we can do that... Also, you may of mumbled that but I heard you... I can see just fine. I've only ever had one eye my whole life and besides, all my other senses are enhanced" Guts death glared Nene. Nene groaned, but reluctantly agreed to go with Guts; Not like she had a choice, after all. "The quicker we get the fuck outta here, the less time we have to spend with each other" Guts put his helmet back on and started running, "Wha? HEY! WAIT UP!" Nene called out, "WELL HURRY UP THEN!" Guts yelled back.

Asuna was skipping through the snow, looking for an unsuspecting person to befriend, although she really meant annoy. "Dime!? DIME!?" Vinnie was running around and yelling loudly, looking for his younger brother, "Darrell!? Where are you!?" he yelled. Asuna continued to skip around when she saw Vinnie, "Oh hey! I know you!" "Oh, Hi Asuna. Have you seen my brother anywhere?" Vinnie asked. "Hmmmmmmmmmm nope!" Asuna said, "Damn... I hope he's okay then... Anyway, this makes us teammates... I'm yet to fight along side you, so this will be an excellent experience for us both" Vinnie nodded. 

"Yay! Yay! We're gonna have so much funnnn!!!" Asuna said happily, "Oh great... You sound just like Gene" Vinnie said. "Sorry, I'm just so excited for this exercise!" Asuna paused for a moment, "I wonder where my friends are right now..." she said, "Don't apologise it's fine. And I'm thinking the same... Though I don't think Peter and Gene would be hard to spot... You know with Gene's bright green hair and how tall Peter is" Vinnie explained, Asuna nodded. Suddenly, Charcoal and Yuusha ran up to Vinnie and Asuna, "Hey, glad we found you guys. Yuusha and I have been searching for another pair for a while now" Charcoal said, Yuusha signed, "I'm glad to meet you guys" 

Charcoal looked concerned, "Just one problem, I don't know how to sign, what about you guys?" he asked, "No I don't sorry... Gene does but I never paid attention when she did it..." Vinnie said, "Nope sorry, I only know how to speak English and my native language" Asuna said, "Well, he's not deaf so I've heard, so he can hear what we say, but I digress, let's head out as a full group" Charcoal said. The full group of Asuna, Vinnie, Charcoal and Yuusha heard a noise far off in the distance, they all ran together to see what it was.

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