Chapter 18: New Connections

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Everyone entered the Lecture Hall where Professor Accord was waiting for them all. 

"Good Morning Students! Some of you know me, while others of you are new faces I've never met! So, I shall introduce myself first. I am Professor Accord, and this is my teaching assistant Popoi!" Accord said, "Nyice to meet mew, nyan!" Popoi meowed. "I've layed out name tags on everyone's desks so I can know you all a bit better than I know my own students!" Accord told everyone. "So write your nyames out, nya!" Popoi meowed, "Do we have to write our names? She knows us... Though she did call me Jonathan the other day..." Jojo said, "Also Joseph the day before..." Bouddicca added. "Well it's my last name so it's not as bad as Jonathan... Not even close to Joel" Jojo said. 

"I better not get a name like Akari, or Akaru. I've had teachers call me that even though it's not a hard name, It's only 5 letters" "Akari is close to my name, I sure hope she doesn't call you that. I'll get confused" Hikari said. "That was funny. Mine's easy..." Nate said. "No teacher has ever pronounced my full name probably..." Tinuviel said, "She'll never get my surname right on the first try. It's 12 letters long with 2 sets of double letters" Amarillo added. "She gets my name correctly. I'm sure she'll get yours" Bouddicca smiled. 

"Now, I'm going to go around the room, and I'd like for you all to tell me one thing about yourself. Starting with... Oh my goodness Joel, I am so sorry. I've been calling you the wrong name all year!" Accord giggled, "How embarrassing!" "It's okay, it's partially my fault I never said my name was Joel... Uh, well. Hi everyone, my name is Joel Joseph, younger brother of the late Caine Joseph and uh, my favorite colour is purple..." He finished, "Thank you very much, Joel. Now, who would you like to pass to?" Accord asked, "And don't pass to your own friends, nyan!" Popoi said, "Uh... I guess I pass to Nate..." Jojo said, "Ugh really?" Nate scoffed.

"If you would please, Miss Explosion" Accord smiled, "Uh, I'm Nate Explosion and uh... Um... I don't like people." she said. "And moving on!" "Now, Nate, no passing to your friends" Accord said, "He's not my friend" Nate growled, Accord glanced at Popoi, Popoi cat shrugged, "Fine by mye" Popoi meowed. "Damn. Um, I'm Akira Hiromasa, and I'm the only student in Beacon to use a double sided scythe as their weapon" he said. "Impressive! You simply must give Popoi and I a demonstration later!" Accord said, "I dunno, I don't really like to show off that much" Akira said. "Show us your weapon, boy! Oh I myean uh... Nyan!" Popoi said, "Uh..." Akira hesitated. 

Suddenly, Selkie Diraison knocked on the door "Excuse me Professor Accord, sorry to interrupt your class" she said, "Oh it's quite alright, Selkie. How can I help you?" Accord asked, Popoi glared at Akira, "I think that cat is psychotic..." he whispered to Nate. "I know, I love it" Nate whispered back. "I'm here to drop off Guts." Selkie walked up to Accord and whispered, "He isn't quite right still, just keep an eye on him for me please" she said, Guts just stood at the door, completely out of it. "How nice of you to join us, Guts!" Popoi jumped down from Accord's shoulder and bit the hem of Guts' pants, leading him to the rest of his team. Guts looked at Popoi and followed him.

"Let me know if he needs anything... He won't talk to me..." Selkie whispered to Accord before leaving. "Well, Akira, who would you like to pass to?" "Um... Let's go with... Bernadetta" Akira said. "M-me?!" Bernadetta was panicking, "Miss Vestra, you do not have to speak if you do not wish" Accord said, Asuna raised her hand, "I can talk for her!" she shouted. Bernadetta's voice was high pitched and squeaky, "...thank you..." she said, "Well, this is Bernadetta, but you can just call her Bernie!" Asuna explained, then whispered, "What am I allowed to say?" " I dunno..." Bernadetta said, "She's really shy, but she likes carnivorous plants and sewing!" Asuna said. 

"She's quite scared, I hope she can come out of her shell while she's here" He whispered to Shizue. "A-am I allowed to pass to Asuna...?" Bernadetta asked, "Of course you can, Bernadetta" Accord said, "My turn!? Wheeee!!!" Asuna's semblance activated and her voice boomed very loudly. "Asuna turn off your damn semblance you idiot!" Ayashii covered his cat ears, "Oops! Sorry!" Asuna said. "Please, continue" Accord said, 

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