Chapter 14: The Test

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Nate was wondering around the courtyard, visibly angry at something. Her hands were smoking and sparking a little. "Nate? What are you doing out here?" Sakura asked, "Not that it's any of your business.. But I'm fucking angry!" Nate growled, "Look, Hikari didn't do anything wrong, someone thought it was a good idea to frame him because people are selfish" Sakura said.

"I hate selfish people! They are fucking stupid..." Nate's tone changed to a less angrier tone and sounded a little more upset now, "Unfortunately, some people act like that and we can't do very much about that" Sakura said, "Yeah... I wish I could change my.... Never mind..." Nate looks at the ground. "What? Change what?" Sakura said. "I said never mind! Mind your own business!" Nate growled. Sakura sighed, "I know you've had a troubled past, It's in your files and everything, but that's why you're here, to be better than those people in your life. The least you can do is enjoy your time here and create better memories for yourself." she said. 

"I suppose so..." Nate said. "It's going to be hard to repress those bad memories, but that's why we'll make more happy memories to overshadow them" Sakura continued, "I doubt it. No-one likes me here... I want to keep it that way." Nate frowned, "I wouldn't say no-one." Sakura pointed to a window in the building, her teammates are seen looking out the window. "Okay, well only a few of them like me." Nate said, "And them too" Sakura pointed to a door leading to inside the academy, Team SSHMPN were all standing in front of the door. "We love you sis!!!" Meouch shouted out waving his arms, the rest of the team waved as well, "They don't count..." Nate said. 

"Nate... There are hundreds of students in this academy, but you only need a handful of friends to have some great memories with." Sakura said softly, "I don't need your advice or help. It's my life, stay out of it... But thank you... For uh, letting me express my feelings.." Nate said, "It's my job to help you Nate. Now come on, we'd better go back inside, dangerous things can happen at night." Sakura said, "I'm well aware of that. That's why I was out here.." Nate said as she turned around and started walking to team SSHMPN. "She really is a unique student, I hope this year can bring out the best in her..." Sakura said to herself.

Nate made her way back to her dorm room. She immediately put her earphones in and blasted music, ignoring her teammates. "What's up with her?" Charcoal asked, "She's just been angry for a while. It's best to just let her cool down, Y'know?" Hikari said. Suddenly, all the lights went out in the academy. A few lamps turned on in their room, it was lights out. Hikari screamed. "Really? We've been here for over a year, and you still scream at that" Akira said. Nate took one earphone out "You still screaming about the lights being turned off Hikari?" She asked, "S-sorry... I'm usually prepared but it just happened out of nowhere!" Hikari exclaimed, "It's okay, just thought you'd be used to it be now" Nate responded, "Mm..." Hikari looked extremely embarrassed. "It's okay, the dark can be scary" Nate said, "And I can't really activate my semblance in the dark, either..." Hikari said, "I can do mine whenever, if you need light let me know" Nate half smiled at Hikari. 

A message was sent to all the students scrolls from Ozpin, "Attention all students, tomorrow you will all take the 'RCSAT' or the Remnant Combat School Aptitude Test. Your scores on this test can determine if you are chosen for special missions and activities this year. The scores will also be taken into account for determining which teams will qualify for the Vytal Festival this year. Good luck tomorrow and get some rest"

"Oh shit, the RCSAT, we didn't get one last year" Charcoal said. "A test?! I can't bloody read! I'm gonna fail!" Hikari panicked, "Good luck then, idiot~" Kurai smirked, "Oh shut up, Kurai! You can't read either!" Hikari snarked, "Oi! Don't just announce that!!!" Kurai argued back, "Oh, I hope I do better this time compared to the practice battle..." Tinuviel frowned, "It's a tough test, there's like 100 questions covering a wide range of topics" Akira said, "There's no way I'll pass.." Nate said,  "Not with that attitude!" Tinuviel smiled, "You'd better pray you do well, our chances of competing in the Vytal Festival hangs in the balance" Charcoal said. "You can't threaten me. If I don't do well, suck it up. You'll get over it." Nate growled, Charcoal rolled his eyes and went to sleep. 

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