Chapter 16: Truth Or Spar? Part II

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Danny stretched his whole body before pulling out a mini music player and started playing disco music. Kyuu seemed pissed off and was already annoyed because of the music. "Does that bother you?" Danny smirked, "It's quite obnoxious" Kyuu said rudely, "Good." Danny laughed. "What the fuck is he doing?" Akira asked to no-one in particular. "Oh? You've never seen us battle then?" Sung responded.

Kyuu looked extremely unimpressed as she ran forward, lunging toward Danny, He dodged Kyuu's attack by gliding to the side. Kyuu slided straight past Danny, her eye twitched slightly "Meant to happen. Just need the audience to get my good side" Kyuu winked at Danny, playing coy. "Haha! All of me is my good side!" Danny laughed, "You're full of it Dan!" Sung shouted out, "Well? Go on." Kyuu said. Danny activated his semblance and started dancing and spinning towards Kyuu very quickly. He reached out to Kyuu and grabbed her by the shoulders. Kyuu got caught up in the spin, then was thrown out onto the pavement. Kyuu's face blushed bright red from getting grabbed, then spat out a bit of blood out from the force of the land, "Tch." Kyuu stayed still, essentially wasting her attack opportunity, but for tactical reasons; She wanted to save her strength to use her semblance.

Danny ran to Kyuu and performed a dance move called an illusion, turning upside down on one foot, and quickly whipping his foot down onto Kyuu. At least, that's what he wanted to do. Danny slipped over during the turn and fell onto the floor. Kyuu kneeled down, and picked Danny up by the hair, she lifted him a bit off the ground and flung him, sending him halfway across the Amphitheater stage. "I like your style" Danny said getting up off the ground. "Next time, don't touch my hair!" he snapped. Kyuu smirked "Aww, afraid to get a bit wild? Doesn't seem like you at all, Sexbang" Danny got up off the ground and cha-cha slid over to Kyuu, he hit Kyuu in the leg with his foot, causing her to fall over.

Cobalt looked at his scroll, the Aura count of the two combatants were displayed on it, "Danny's got a big lead over Kyuu right now, I hope she can turn it around" Kyuu looked up at Danny, grimacing. She thrusted her lower body off the ground and sent a leg flying up in an attempt to kick Danny in the nose. The kick connected with Danny's nose, hard. Danny lost it, "I TELL YOU NOT TO GO FOR MY HAIR SO YOU GO FOR MY FACE!? HAVE YOU NO DIGNITY!?" he screamed. "What the fuck Kyuu?! Stop breaking people's noses!" Cobalt called out. with absolutely no fear, Kyuu told Cobalt, "I'd say it's an improvement" "Kyuu... That wasn't very nice.." Tinuviel frowned, clearly upset with Kyuu's comment. Kyuu felt slightly guilty, but didn't let it show.

Danny didn't care anymore, after that move, he was done with fighting for the moment. He simply ran to Kyuu to slap her in the face. The slap was brutal, Kyuu was hit very hard, leaving a bright red imprint of Danny's hand on her cheek. Nate smirked, "I won't be surprised if Kyuu just straight up murdered Danny on the spot" Kyuu didn;t stright up murder Danny, instead she let out a little giggle, but it wasn't from the body that Danny just slapped. It was from behind him... but when he turned around... he couldn't see her anywhere.

Kyuu fell to her knees and went limp, her eyes were blank and lifeless. Danny screamed in a mixture of horror and disgust, "EW!" "What happened to her?" Cobalt was concerned, "It's her semblance..." Hikari assumed. "Must be" Nate agreed, "Huh? How the fuck would you know?" Kurai grumbled, "She's never done this before, but she's also never used her semblance before!" Hikari explained, "Whatever she's planning, she better do it quick, she's critically low on Aura" Akira said.

Kyuu stepped out of the shadows, with a crazed grin on her face; The Kyuu on the floor was a copy. She picked up her copy by the hair and took a bite out of her shoulder. The clone turned to dust as she wiped her mouth, her body glowed gold as some as her aura restored. "What. The. FUCK?!" Cobalt was horrified at the scene. "That's fucked... I love it!" Nate grinned menacingly, "That's so gross yet so cool! Woah!!" Meouch said, amazed.

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