Chapter 13: The News That Shocked

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"So, what's it like where you're from? It's our second year and I don't think we've ever talked about it" Cobalt asked, "Atlas? Uh, it's okay I guess. Too prim and proper for my taste. What about you?" Sung asked. "Eh, Mistral's pretty decent, but I needed more of a challenging academy so I applied for Beacon, and here I am" Cobalt said, "I went to Signal so I haven't moved very far" Charcoal said. Akira didn't say anything, he just looked down. "Yeah, Atlas just wasn't my thing. Nor my teams thing, even though Havve was made there. He hates it there." Sung said. "Yeah I can't go back to my village. It's impossible" Akira sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that" Sung said.

"I always wonder what my life would be like if my village wasn't overrun with Grimm, If my life just lived normally, If my father just ran with us instead of fighting. Maybe he wouldn't be dead..." Tears started to run down Akira's face and his fox ears went down. "Do you need a hug or something dude?" Sung asked, "I don't know what I want right now..." Akira said softly. "Well if you need anything you can talk to me. I know we don't know each other well but I'm here"

Suddenly, Sakura walked into the cafeteria and spotted Akira, she ran over to him. "Akira, honey, what happened? Did someone hurt him? What's going on?" She said frantically. "No ma'am, no one hurt him. He's just a little emotional. We were talking about home and what it's like in all the different places we lived before attending here." Sung explained. "Ah. That's a touchy subject for Akira" Sakura sighed, "Oh my god, is it?! I'm so sorry Akira!" Cobalt put his head in his hands. "Really sorry dude." Sung said, "Don't go too hard on yourselves, you had no idea" Sakura said. "I just hope he's okay" Sung said. "He'll be fine, he just needs some time in my office I think. You'll see him later on" "Okay" Sung said softly, Sakura grabbed Akira and they both left the cafeteria and headed for Sakura's office. " "Sorry again man!" Cobalt called out just before they left. "He'll be okay with his mum. Mothers fix everything" Sung said to Cobalt. "I still feel like shit for bringing it up" Cobalt sighed, "How were you to know?" Sung said, "I wasn't..." Cobalt said.

"Well, we'd better eat quickly, apparently there's an assembly the entire academy needs to attend" Charcoal said. "Yeah I heard about that, I wonder what it's going to be about?" Sung replied, "Most likely" Sung said. An announcement was sent to everyone's scrolls, "Good afternoon students, can you all make your way to the Amphitheatre for an assembly, all staff and students must attend. Thank you" "C'ya around dude!" Sung waved as he walked away.

Everyone started heading to the Amphitheatre for the assembly. "What the fuck is this about? I got shit to do" Nate rolled her eyes, Link was walking with Hikari, "I wonder what this assembly is about?" "Mm, me too" Hikari said with a small smile as his hand brushed past Link's. "Hurry up! Get with your teams!" Glynda shouted. "Whelp, that's my queue. See ya!" Hikari hesitated before kissing Link's cheek and running off to meet with Nate and the others. "Y'all better come to me. I'm not moving" Nate huffed, "Miss Explosion, you're standing where the 3rd Years stand, you'll need to stand over there with the other 2nd Years please" Sakura said softly, "So? I was here first?" Nate said, "Now, Nate" Glynda said, Nate death glared Glynda and walked out of the building. "Natasha Explosion, could you please return to the Amphitheatre" Nate's scroll went off. Nate ignored it.

"I don't think she's coming back" Ozpin said to Glynda, "I don't think so either" Glynda agreed, "Excuse me Professors? I think I can get her back.. If you don't mind me leaving to get her?" Sung asked, "Go ahead. Quickly though." Ozpin said. "On it!" Sung ran out, after 20 seconds passed he returned with a very angry Nate. "Good afternoon students, we have some important announcements regarding the upcoming Vytal Festival" Ozpin began. "Nate okay?" Meouch whispered to Sung, "Yeah man, don't worry about it" Sung said

"For this Vytal Festival, only 48 teams will compete, 12 from each academy. So only 12 Teams will qualify to compete for Beacon this year. We also have some teams from the other academies here on exchange for a few weeks to see what our refined academy is like and for them to 'size up the competition'. They will arrive at some point within the month, so prepare yourselves for that, You may all leave." Ozpin walked off. 

"That wasn't a very long announcement. Couldn't he have just sent that to our scrolls instead of forcing everyone in here for a fucking measly conversation?" Akira rolled his eyes. "Waste of time" Nate grumbled. "Only 12 teams will qualify?! What if we're not good enough?!" Cobalt said, "We will be. Don't worry" Nate said, "For sure!" Shizue said happily, "We gotta be. The plot won't advance otherwise" Hikari said in a forth-wall breaking tone, "What?" Shizue asked, "What?" Hikari asked back, "Huh?" Nate was confused, "Yeah, he's got a point" Sung said, agreeing with Hikari. "What plot? What? What are you talking about, Hikari?" Shizue asked, "What do you mean? I didn't say anything?" Hikari said, "Exactly" Sung said. "God, this is dumb, let's get out of here." Charcoal said, "I'm outta here, bye." Nate said before leaving. "What now...?" Shizue asked, "I dunno. Wanna go grab a bite to eat?" Hikari asked, "Sure!" Shizue said, "Meech, Phibis, Martha, Danny and Ninja Brian! Let's go to the music room!!!" Sung said.

The students all left the Amphitheatre and finished their activities and classes for the day, it was now nighttime and all the students had to get changed for bed. "I'm really pissed off from earlier still. I can't believe someone would do that to Hikari.. Fucking dumbasses!!" Nate flared her nostrils "I'm not that upset about it, Nate, really! It's fine!" Hikari tried to assure Nate, "Glad you aren't but I am!!! I wanna go break something or burn someone!!!" Nate said angrily, "Just don't do it here, find a training dummy or something and burn that." Charcoal said, while playing cards with Akira, "Or at the very least, don't burn a living thing, unless that thing is a Grimm" Akira added. "Not fun unless I burn a person." Nate said. "Of course it isn't." Akira said. "I wouldn't suggest that, Nate..." Hikari sighed, "Why not? You ever done it before?" Nate asked. "No but... it's not pleasant to see someone burning..." Hikari said, "Fine. I'll go burn a tree down or something" Nate said "Just don't get caught outside the academy at this hour" Akira said. "You're not my parent. Don't tell me what to do" Nate growled and left, "Don't say I didn't warn you!" Akira called out. "Just leave her alone. If she gets in trouble it's her fault" Tinuviel said. "Oh hey! Welcome back, Tin!" Shizue said. "Hey Shizue!" Tinuviel said.

"Where've you been?" Shizue asked, "A bit of everywhere. Mainly the gym" Tinuviel said, "Yep. That definitely sounds like you!" Hikari laughed, "Yeah haha" Tinuviel laughed too. "How's Kyuu going?" Shizue asked, "She's good" Tinuviel said, "That's good!" Shizue smiled, "Yeah, though I feel weird not having my hair up properly or my mask on" Tinuviel said. "Nate's being stupid, we'd better prepare for trouble if she's caught" Akira said, "It won't be our fault if she does anything and we've warned her not too" Tinuviel said, "Yeah, but a teacher will get mad at us, as 'You're her teammates, it's your responsibility that your team stays in line. Especially you Akira, you're the captain.'" Akira said, "She's not my team mate, just a friend to me" Tinuviel said, "I meant Charcoal, Hikari, and me" Akira said, "I know. I don't think she'll do anything bad anyway" Tinuviel said. 

"It's almost lights out guys." Sakura said to a team further up the hallway, "Oh shit, a teacher" Charcoal said, "What do we do? If she asks about Nate, we're done for" Cobalt panicked. "Uh.. I don't know" Tin said, "It's my mum, she can literally read minds, if were even THINKING about Nate, she's gonna catch it" Akira said, "Tell her the truth then. We tried our best to keep her here but she didn't listen" Tinuviel replied, "If you're worried about her reading your thoughts, don't think! I'm really good at that!" Hikari smiled. 

Silence fell across the dormitory. 

"Good evening guys, how was your day?" Sakura asked everyone, "Nothing too exciting. I had detention all day so you know how it is" Tinuviel shrugged his shoulders, "Right. Now, no teachers have mentioned this, but tomorrow you'll go have your photos taken for your ID's this year. So make sure you're dressed up and looking good for tomorrow" Sakura explained. "Oh nice!" Tinuviel said. "Hmm... Where's Nate?" Sakura asked, "We don't know. She wondered off earlier. She's been in a bad mood all day, we tried to make her stay but she ignored all of us." Tin said. 

Sakura sighed, "I'll have to go look for her, just stay in your dorm and don't leave" "Alrighty" Tinuviel said. Sakura left to go look for Nate...

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