Chapter 3: Lovesick Dancing

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Everyone went back to their dorms to chill out before the big party. Nate came by and grabbed her outfit before leaving again. Everyone started to get ready for the Beacon Ball that night. Tinuviel tried on his new pinstripe suit. It was a nice shade of burnt orange with a white t-shirt and a green and purple striped necktie. "Wow! This fits really nicely!" he said excitedly. "Now all that's left to do is take off my mask..." he was not as excited now. "You'll be fine Tin. How do I look?" Cobalt is in a white dress shirt with a dark pink bow tie and and a blue suit jacket.

Hikari struggled to get his wings through the wing holes in the back of his black vest. When he eventually got them in, he buttoned up the vest and flattened it down, since it had become wrinkled with all of his struggling "I dunno if it's really my style..." he said with a slight frown on his face. The rest of his outfit consisted of of black shorts, a white, short sleeve dress shirt and black flats. His hair was as messy as usual, if not more so, and he wore his usual golden laurel crown. He looked up at Tin, "You look great Tin!" "You both look good!" Cobalt said, even though no one responded to his question. "Thanks, although I dread taking this mask off..." Tinuviel said. "Don't worry about it. Take all the time you need!" Hikari said to Tinuviel.

Tinuviel pulled his hands up to his mask, ready to unzip it, but he hesitated. "What's wrong?" Cobalt said worryingly, "I have worn this mask every day since I was like 7... I'm the only person who has seen my face" Tinuviel said saidly, "If you're not comfortable with it, don't do it..." Hikari said, "But it doesn't go with my suit" Tinuviel objected, "It's okay, we won't judge you" Cobalt said nicely. "Okay..." Tinuviel took a deep breath in and nodded, he put his hands up to the back of his mask and unzipped it. More of his blue hair fell out of his mask, then he fully took off the mask, revealing his face for the first time in years. "Tin... You look amazing! Why were you so worried?" Hikari said amazed. "You think so?" Tinuviel looked at his feet. "Of course I do!" Hikari responded. Suddenly, Kyuu opened the door to her room, "I forgot something in here..." She looked at the guys, more specifically Tinuviel. "I'll live without it" Kyuu closed the door and left. "Why did she look at me that way? Does she think I'm ugly?!" Tinuviel started stressing again. "No no! She probably didn't expect to see all of us guys in the one room!" Cobalt said quickly, "Or maybe she didn't expect to see you without your mask on. It's not that your ugly, she was just shocked!" Hikari added. "Oh okay, I guess that's okay" Tinuviel said.

Akira and Charcoal had finally finished getting ready, Akira was wearing a black dress shirt, a black and red vest with spiked lapels and short coattails, a black and red striped necktie and a fedora with a black and red feather in it. Charcoal was wearing a grey dress shirt, a buttoned vest, an unbuttoned black suit jacket and a black and white stripped necktie. The guys were ready to go, but what about the girls? Luckily, the girls were ready too. Everyone headed to the hall where the party had finally began! Team SSHMPN wasn't scheduled to play for another 10 minutes, so the students were able to listen to the music that was already provided.

"Normally I hate social gatherings... This is a normal situation, I hate this" Kyuu said with an unenthusiastic tone. "Oh come on Kyuu, this is great!" Shizue said loudly as the music made it hard to hear. "A lot of people are looking at me..." Tinuviel started sweating and getting anxious looking around at everyone. Link walked up to Hikari in his flashy suit, "Hey there Hikari, you look dashing tonight" Hikari instantly blushed "O-Oh thank you! You look great too Link!" Dio then entered the room in a sparkly pink split dress revealing his left leg, it was low cut and it almost revealed his butt. He had long sparkly gloves and matching shoes, "I have arrived!" He screamed. There were many stares from everyone; some stared out of intrigue, like Tinuviel, and others of pure confusion and disgust, like Akira. "What the hell is wrong with him?" Akira asked, "Beats me" Charcoal answered, Nate had a different response, "Nothing. Isn't he allowed to express himself!?" She growled. "That's just the way he his, he's a Flamboyant Femboy Queen!" Bunji said with excitement.

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