Chapter 27: Basic Straining

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Akira headed into the cafeteria and saw many students sitting in their school groups by force. "Even at breakfast, Ironwood's segregating us..." Akira thought to himself. "Trust me, it's not going to get any better. After what happened last night, Ironwood's cracking down on the rules" Amarillo sighed, "Hey! Akira!" Nate slowly caught up to him. "Oh Nate, what's wrong? The coffee was too cold wasn't it?" Akira asked. "No it wasn't cold. I just need more caffeine to function today" Nate said, "I hope you have money on that scroll, it's 2 Lien for each cup" Akira frowned. 

"I've never paid for anything here. They don't charge me, cause I cracked it once and uh... Blew up half the cafeteria..." Nate said, "Lucky! Even us Atlas student have to pay for the decent crap here" Mary Kate said while sipping a tea, "You didn't have to for a while, it was only last year when I blew it up" Nate said, "Yeah, then Ozpin stole you to Beacon, which was a good move to get you away from Ironwood" Mary Kate smiled. "You heard about what he did huh..." Nate went quiet, "Marinette told me, she and Doom are the Academy Captains this year" Mary Kate explained, "Really? Doom made captain? He didn't tell me that" Nate said.

"They were voted in by the other Staff, Ironwood tried to veto the Male vote, then suddenly had a change of heart" Mary Kate said, "I hope he made it because he is popular and nice to people and not cause James is scared of him" Nate said, "Hmm..." Nate thought for about 2 seconds, "Something is up with him... He's never been this rude or narcissistic before..." she said, "I figured something was wrong too, we just have to stay out of his way for now" Mary Kate said, "We've got classes in 5 minutes anyway"

"Yeah well, I'm too tired to to deal with him right now anyway... my arm is killing me" Nate said, "Will you be able to do classes? Apparently the Second Years have combat training right now" Mary Kate said, "I'll be fine, I've burnt my arm worse then this before... though I think I've permanently scared it this time..." Nate sighed, Ironwood's voice came over the speakers, "All Second Years to the main hall now." "Oh great... I wonder what will happen now.." Tinuviel said back at the dorms.

The students started walking to the main hall, they all gathered around inside, Ironwood was nowhere to be seen. "Oh dear... where is he?" Tinuviel asked, "Too pussy to see us obviously" Akira smirked, "This... can't be good..." Hikari said, "Stay close to me Hikari..." Nate said. "Okay..." Hikari got close to Nate, "General Ironwood regrets that he cannot be here to oversee your training session. Instead, Selkie, D'Arcy and I will oversee your training instead, please follow us to the training room" Sakura said loudly. "Training? Aw man..." Hikari frowned.

The students followed them to the training room. The room glowed a brilliant purple as everyone started to walk in. "This room is a nice colour" Akira said, "You like it now, just wait until we get started" Sakura smirked. "I hate this room..." Nate said, "Alright, who wants to volunteer to go first with this training exercise?" Sakura asked, "I'll go" Tinuviel said. Sakura gave Tinuviel a harness with a button on one side, "Alright, put this harness on, make sure the red button is on your back" she said. "Oooh! Fancy" Tinuviel smiled. "Something seems off about this..." Nate said. "I've... got a bad feeling about this..." Hikari said, "You can do this, Tin! I believe in you!!!" Kyuu shouted. "Thanks Kyuu" Tinuviel smiled at her.

Tinuviel was left alone on the training ground. A robot roughly his height appeared on the other side, with a blue button on his back. "That's a big robot" Tinuviel said, "Alright, hit the button on the robot's back to win. You ready?" Sakura asked, "Yeah, how hard can it be?" Tinuviel said. 

A large glowing battle axe appeared in the robot's hand. 

"" Tinuviel stared in horror, "What the hell?!" Akira's mouth went slightly agape, "I've gotta stop this right fucking now!" Nate ran for the gate to the stairs, but it closed, removing anyone's ability to leave, "Shiiiiiittttt!" she screamed.

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