Chapter 33: Reformation

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The Atlas Party was supposed to be over 30 minutes ago, and now Sakura and Selkie was tasked with getting everyone out of the Main Hall, "You were meant to get them out at 11:30!" Selkie said, "Okay! I know that now! But how are we going to get like all these kids out of here quickly?" Sakura asked in a panic, "Uh... Not a clue..." Selkie said. Nate got up unto the stage and grabbed a mic, "Okay everyone! Party is over! I'm glad you all had a great time but it's time for us to all go to bed! Move it!!!" she shouted. "That works" Selkie said. 

A couple students put up a stink, just like Selkie predicted, but most of them started to head out quietly. Jessica walked up to the stage, Nate helped her up onto it before she grabbed the mic, "I'm sorry we have to cut it short... But we've actually gone way over the time schedule! I appreciate you all coming and enjoying yourselves! I'll plan another party soon!!! Please exit quickly and quietly and head to your dorms, thank you!" she blew a kiss. "Well then, I guess it's that easy..." Sakura said quietly.

All the students headed back to their dorms quietly, as to not disturb anyone else already asleep. "Wow Nate, I didn't know you could... sing(?) Like that!" Cobalt said, "You mean growl? Well I mean, listen to my voice, it's deep and gravely... It's fuckin perfect for death metal singing" Nate explained. Akira stood in front of a mirror and undid his necktie, "You sounded quite good, I can see why you wanted me to come back in time to hear it" he said, "I just wanted to show you all that I have talent in something other than being angry and smashing and exploding shit" Nate said. "Well you were awesome and brutal as always" Tinuviel smiled, "You... You think I'm awesome??" Nate stuttered in shock, "Of course I do! We all think that right everyone?" Tinuviel asked, Hikari yawned as he sat down on his bed and toed off his shoes, "Nate is cooler than cool..." he smiled sleepily, "She's awesome..." "No doubt about that!" Cobalt added.

"I... I don't know what even say... I've never heard those words before..." Nate was clearly holding back tears of joy. "Charcoal, get me my scroll from my vest pocket on my bed. I need to take a photo, Nate's showing emotion." Akira smirked, "I'LL BREAK YOUR FUCKIN LEGS IF YOU TAKE A PHOTO!" Nate growled, "Aannnd back to Nate being normal" Tinuviel frowned, "Guys... that's mean. She's showing vulnerability. You shouldn't make fun of her for that" Hikari said, "Well now I feel emotionless again.. You'll never see that side of me again..." Nate crossed her arms. "You know for a fact we will see that side of you again... But for now I'm really tired... Goodnight!" Tinuviel walked out of team ARSN's dorm and walked to his own. "Night night..." Hikari yawned again, "Hikari, I think you should go to bed" Shizue said, "I'm not tired... I'm not..." Hikari yawned yet again, "...tired..."

Raven walked past Team ASRN's dorm, "Hey Nate, that singing was dope, you should start a metal band." Nate turned around, "Hikari... Bed... Oh hey Raven... I'm already in one actually..." she half smiled. Hikari stood up to protest, "B... but I'm not" Kyuu hauled Hikari over her shoulder and placed him in his bed, tucking him in snuggly so he couldn't move "Sleep." "But..." Hikari yawned as his eyes slipped closed. He rolled over onto his side, letting his wings stretch out as the rest of his being curled into himself. "That's dope. When I was a first year, before you guys started here, we had a metal band team named Team KARD, their best song, "Ace of Spades" played to their team name. Then their captain sadly passed away and the rest of the team dropped out of Beacon. We haven't had a metal band team since." Raven explained. 

"I remember them... I was good friends with him... He was the one who told me to start a band..." Nate said sadly, "He was my idol, I was devastated when I found out" Raven said, "You know Team CTMS and Pickles from SPHR? We are all in a band, though we haven't played together in a long time because well, I'm not attending here any more" Nate explained, "I see... Well Bailey really enjoyed your performance too, we all did" Raven got out her tarot deck and pulled a random card, "The Nine of Cups: Looks like you've had a wish fulfilled tonight and you're happy about it, right?" she asked, "I guess so... I wanted a certain someone to notice how good I looked and h.. They did.. And I actually spoke to Pickles for the first time in months... We haven't made up though..." Nate said.

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